Ponyboy Imagine

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For AstoriaMalfoyFelton

Why me? Everything bad happens to me. First I was born the kid sister of Dallas Winston, giving me a permenant bad record. Second, my parents abandoned us, leaving me and my sister Rose in the care of my reckless, stupid older brother. Third, Rose died in a gang fight that Dallas and I weren't there to protect her from. Finally, when Ponyboy came into my life, I figured my life was turning around. But, number four, I'm pregnant and I'm only fourteen. His birthday is in July, so he'll be turning fifteen soon, but mine was in September. Again, why me?

I walked into the Curtis house, and lucky me, all th guys were there. "Hey everyone," I said, but no one paid me any attention. Not even my boyfriend. Must have been some good movie on.

"I have important news to share," I said, but still, no reaction. "I'm pregnant," I finally admitted, gaining the attention I wanted. "Funny joke (Y/N). Now sit down," Dallas said, taking a sip of his beer. Pony looked like he'd seen a ghost. "She's not kidding Dal," Soda said, his face very serious as was Darry's. Dallas' eyes bulged out of his head, his eyes landing on Pony. "You're what?!" he yelled, his eyes not leaving Pony.

Pony was trembling, his hands moving a million miles an hour. "How could you do this to my little sister!" Dallas screamed, lunging for Pony. Steve, Two, and Soda caught him, and Johnny was in front of him, trying to calm him down. Dallas could never get or be mad when talking to Johnny. "Dal, calm down. This isn't the end of the world," Johnny said, trying to defend me. "He ruined my sister's life!" Dallas yelled, but was starting to calm down.

The real problem should have been the two people who hadn't said a word yet. Darry was practically boiling, glaring at Pony with a ton of anger. Pony was looking back, with anxiety and frightfulness. Just as Dallas was simmering down, Darry burst up. "How could you be so stupid Pony!?  You had a great future ahead of you! Now look what you did!" he pointed towards me without looking at me. "Now you will end up working at a place like McDonalds' when you could be working in a hospital or Lawyer's office!" Darry screamed. "What are you trying to say, Darry?" Soda asked, anger and sadness in his voice. Immediately, Darry backed down.

Dallas, Darry, and Soda were in a bad mood or funk for weeks. Darry and Dallas were pissed at Pony, and a little at me. Soda was pissed off with Darry for what he had said, and how he was treating us. Pony hasn't left my side except for when he needs to go to the bathroom or work since Soda got him a part time job at the DX.

The five month mark came around, and everyone gathered around, ready to hear the genders of the babies. Back when it was three months, the doctors had confirmed that there were two babies in there, not one.

By this tme, everyone was out of their funks. Now they were excited to be uncles. "Well," Dallas started impatiently. "Tell me I am at least getting nephews." I shook my head with a smile. "One nephew?" he asked, clinging to hope. I shook my head again, and Dallas sighed. "Get ready Dal. You gonna have two more girls in your life soon," I laughed at his expression.

Four months later, Jade Mackenzie and Aurora Rose Curtis were born. Pony and I continued to go to school while Dallas and Soda watched the girls occassionally we let Two watch them with super vision.

I continued cheerleading, and Pony continued track. School, cheerleading, and the twins became too much, so I decided the best thing to do was drop out. Pony continued to go, and I was completely fine with that. He deserved to further his education.

Eventually, Pony graduated and proposed to me. We moved into our own apartment with all the money Pony had saved up. Though we constantly were at the Curtis house. I had thought the girls were my fourth, but they weren't a bad part of my life at all.

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