Soda Imagine

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I have been in a relationship with Soda for five months. But i feel im way more commited than he is.

I remember when we first met. I was at a baseball game watching my ex boyfriend play his game. Soda was on the other team. I was sitting with my friends. I offered to go get drinks. While i was trying to get the pump to work for the drinks, Soda came over to help. "Anytime you need a hand, i can help", he told me. "Im finished. Give yourself a hand", i smiled before walking back to my friends. Then we went to a bar later and Soda happened to be there too. Things spiraled from there.

Present now, we are about to go to a New Years party. I wanted to stay home and enjoy myself and my boyfriend, but he would rather go to the party. We got there and he immeadiately goes over to his obnoxious friend Steve. I dont like him, but Soda doesnt like my friend Joan. Steve did some stupid thing with his current girl before pushing her towards me. "Meet my girl Lana", he said. "Nice to meet you", she says. I said the same thing.

As i sat listening to some story, i turned my head and saw Soda making out with some random girl. Before i could react, I heard a familiar shriek from my friend Joan. I followed her to the bathroom even though she didnt want me too. It took a few minutes, but she told me what happened. Her current boyfriend was going back to his wife. I went to find Soda, to let him know i was leaving.

"Soda?", i called. "What!?", he shouted back. "Im taking Joan home. She needs me", i said, turning to leave, but he slung his arm around me. "What about me?", he asked. "Her boyfriend just dumped her", i said angrily. He began to laugh. "That broad dont know how to keep a man", Steve interjected. "See the guy is always the bad guy when she puts her hooks in him and he trys to run for daylight. And hes the asshole", he mumbled. "No your the asshole", i shoved him and met Joan outside. "Hey! Wait!", he yelled. "You cant leave on New Years!", he yelled. "Just go back to your bar friends Soda!" "I need you", he said angrily. "No you dont Soda. The hooks are out. You better run for daylight", i yelled at him, getting in the taxi.

Once i was sure Joan was ok, i went home to the apartment that Soda and i shared. "Soda?", i called, startled when he was in the living room. He looked at me wildly. " What is it Soda?", i asked, already knowing the answer. "I think one of us should move out", he said. "Me too", i whispered. Then we began arguing. Then he said the words. "I dont love you." Tears fell quickly from my eyes. "Fine Soda. Im gone", i said, walking out the door.

The next day, i went to get my clothes. Then Soda walked in the room. "You ok?", he asked. All i said was, "Can you make plans to not be here tomorrow, so i can get the rest of my things." It wasnt a question. He picked up my thing i made in girlscouts. He began to mutter when i ripped it in his face. I then walked out.

The next day, i got the rest of my things. I was so depressed. I loved Soda but he didnt love me. My friends dragged me out of the house to some St. Patricks day party at the bar. I sta there staring at the table. "You sure you want to be here?", Joan asked. "Its St Patricks day", i mumbled. "Anyway, guess who i saw at the store? Soda. He said hello to me, and naturally i ignored him. Then he started to scream at the top of his lungs. Hello hello. Do you think he was hitting on me?", she asked. I glared at her before she changed her words. I mean to get back at you she said.

"Speak of the devil", my other friend said. I looked over and there stood a drenched Soda. "Im leaving", i told my friends. I walked up to him and he was sputtering for words. "Will you stop following me?", i said, walking out of the bar. "I love you", he shouted following me. "No you dont", i said, trying to find a cab. "I do. I love you", he said. "Stop following me or im gonna call the cops!", i yelled. I was quickly getting soaked from the pouring rain. "But i love you!", he yelled back. "Five months! Five months and you couldnt say it!", i yelled. "I did. I did say it", he reasoned. "Once but you didnt mean it", i screamed. "I did. I love you", he said. He looked like a puppy who got yelled at. "Soda...", i said. "Please... please", he said. "It took me awhile to get over this. Now you need to. Its over." I walked away, more miserable than ever.

Eventually, i went down to the park again. It was a mistake because Sodas team was playing baseball. I went to run for it, but he noticed me. "(Y/N) wait!", he yelled, running after me. Once again, we were face to face. He looked terrible. He hadnt shaved in days. "Soo?", he said. "Soo?", i said back. He smiled and i couldnt help but smile back. "Can we please try us again. Please?", he asked. Before i said yes, i remembered the night of New Years Eve. He had kissed that girl like he kissed me. My smile turned to a frown.

"Whats wrong?", he asked. "That girl at the party...", i began thinking out loud. "What girl at the party?", he asked. "The one you were with before i went to help Joan.... You kissed her!", i yelled. He looked ashamed. "Im so sorry! I was drunk, and i just gave her a New Years kiss. Nothing more. She wanted more, but i just gave her that to get her off my back. I swear!", he yelled. I couldnt help but smile. He was stumbling over his words just to explain himself to me. "Why are you smiling?", he asked, unsure if what to do. "Because we have a date tonight. Its at the old joint. Be there at seven", i smiled. He smiled as i ran off. Life was back in order.

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