Sodapop Imagine

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For JessieMichele0914

I sat on the front step of my porch, tapping my toes nervously against the ground. My suitcase was beside me as I nervously awaited the arrival of my boyfriend and his two brothers, who were set to pick me up for their yearly camping trip.

Now I had never been camping before, and I was scared as all hell. The dark made me nervous in general, but now I was going to be outdoors with wild animals and poison ivy? Yeah, I don't think so.

I really don't know how I got suckered into the trip either. It all started when I was hanging at my boyfriend's house...


"Babe, have you ever been camping before?" Soda asked, looking down at me as he ran his fingers through my hair. I looked up at him suspiciously. "No. Why?"

"Well..." he started, looking over at Pony who was watching cartoons in the room. "We take a annual family camping trip, (Y/N). You should come with us," Pony said, smiling over at me. I looked at Pony, then back at Soda. "You know I hate the outdoors, Soda," I said, but he just gave me a sheepish grin.

"Do I hear someone complaining?" a gruff voice asked. I groaned as the Dallas Winston made his entrance. "No Dally, you didn't," I groaned, annoyed. He just smirked hs usual smirk. He loved to torture me about things, especially when I showed supposed signs of fear. I'm supposed to be some bad ass who can handle anything, but when it comes to the dark? Sleeping outdoors? Hell no!

"I think I heard someone say they couldn't stay outdoors. Is someone... afraid?" he fake gasped, pausing for dramatic effect. I gritted my teeth as I heard my boyfriend laughing beside me. I glared at him, causing him to quiet down, though he still had his typical smile on his face.

 I turned my glare back to Dallas. "I'm not afraid of anything," I growled. "Great. Then its all settled. (Y/N) and the Curtis boys camping trip!" Dallas said, causing Pony and Soda to erupt into cheers. "What's all this racket for?" Darry asked, walking into the house, just getting home from work. He had spoken before I had even a chance to respond to the three idiots in the room.

"(Y/N)'s coming camping with us!" Soda cheered. Darry looked at me a little confused. "You sure you want to come with us?" he asked, but again, before I could respond, Soda did for me. "Of course she's sure. She wouldn't have said yes if she didn't!" Soda pointed out. Darry just smiled a little before walking into the kitchen.

I would have said something right there and then, but the look on Soda's face was too much for me to disappoint him and not come. The only reason I am still coming on this trip is because I love Soda so much, and I know he wants me to be there with him.

The truck came barrelling around the corner; I knew then that my crazy boyfriend was driving. He stopped right in front of my doorstep, smiling his infamous smile. "Ready to camp, gorgeous?" he asked. "You're lucky I love you, Sodapop," I said before throwing my suitcase into the bed of the truck and sliding into the passenger seat. I looked back and saw how cramped Darry and Pony were because Darry was such a huge guy.

"How did Soda get the keys?" I asked, looking directly at Darry. He rolled his eyes. "I was pickpocketed, and I was too tired to chase after him. He's too energetic!" Darry complained. I laughed. "I know. I can never get him to shut up sometimes," I said, causing a half angry "Hey!" to come from Soda's direction, causing me to laugh even more.

"You can have my seat Darry. I know its got to be uncomfortable for you back there," I offered. "No, that's alright. I'll be fine back here," he said, twisting and turning, trying to get comfortable. He groaned, having twisted something wrong. "Really, Darry. It's no big deal, honestly. I'm alot smaller, and I would back there with Pony alot better," I said. "Hey! I'm not that small!" Pony said, glaring at me. "Really?" I asked with a smirk. "I'm taller than you," he pointed out, a smirk on his face.

I smirked back. "Toushe," I countered, looking back towards Darry. "Come on Darry. You'll be more comfortable up here," I tried to persuade him. "But I want you up here with me," Soda pouted, trying to give me puppy dog lips. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Soda, your brother works long hours on roofing. He deserves to be comfy. Unless you want to hand over the wheel to a MUCH better driver and we both sit in the back..."

"Fine. You can sit with Pony," he put alot of stress on Pony's name. He unwillingly pulled the truck over, letting Darry and I switch places. "Ahh, that's alot better," Darry sighed. "Better for you," Soda huffed, looking at me through the mirror. I just rolled my eyes and smirked, mouthing "Love you" to him.

We arrived at the camp site within the hour. I looked around at all the nature around me; I hated it. I don't know why, but that stuff just creeped me out. The boys set everything up while I just watched. I was looking out at a lake when I felt arms wrap around my waist. I turned around to be met with Soda's warm brown eyes. "This isn't as bad as you thought, right?" he asked, pulling me closer. "No, I absolutely hate the outdoors and nature, but if it makes you happy, then I'll do it," I said, pulling him down for a kiss.

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