Johnny Imagine

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I didnt know what to do. I was two months pregnant and it was getting rough. My parents kicked me out of the house last night. It sucks because i need a place to stay. I really need to tell Johnny. I walked to the lot to tell him.

He was sitting by a fire in the lot. I sat next to him, afraid to start the conversation. "Hey Sam", he said. "Hi Johnny", i said back. He turned his full attention to me. "Is something wrong", he asked. "Well actually, there is something i need to tell you", i stuttered. He looked at me, waiting for me to continue. "I...I... we are go.... going to be p... parents", i got out. He sat up straight. "Oh my god. Oh my god", he kept repeating. "Im only sixteen! I cant be a dad! I dont even have a place to live!", he shouted. I was so upset. I thought he would be happy. I stood up and looked at him. "Im gonna leave you alone". Then i walked back to my house, packed my bags, and left town.

I was going to live with my aunt. She has no kids, but she has always loved and cared about me alot. She understands a little what im going through because my mom (her sister) got in a teen pregnancy with my older brother Jake. I love my older brother Jake and i probably would have stayed with him, but i dont know where he went. I wish i could have stayed in Tulsa, but im going to be out in the country with my Aunt Lynn.

Johnnys pov

I realized i overreacted. Sam didnt need that. She was probably even more freaked out than i was. I would love to have a family with her. Shes the love of my life. I should have never let her leave. I walked over to her house and knocked on the door. Her father answered. "What do you want kid?", he asked. "I really need to see Sam. I need to talk to her", i told him. "Shes gone", he grunted. "What?!", i asked. My heart was beating way to fast. "She packed up her stuff. She is gone. Dont know where she went", he said and shut the door.

My heart shattered. She couldnt have left. She was carrying my baby. Her leaving is taking away so many rights from me. But its my fault. If i hadnt freaked out, she wouldnt have left. And in such a hurry too. I would give her some time. Maybe she would come back. I will make arrangements around here to prepare for a baby. But when im done, and she isnt back yet, then i will go find her.

Normal pov

I ended up having a baby boy. I named him after my brother and his father. Jakob Jonathon Cade. I was perfectly happy living with my aunt. She was estatic to have a baby in the house. She never got to experience taking care of a baby, so she said she would love to help me with him. That would mean i could go back to school. I guess leaving Tulsa was the best option. This is the perfect life for baby Jake.

Johnnys pov

Ive looked everywhere for her. I dont know where she could have gone. I had one last place to look. Her aunts place out in the country. I knocked on the door and a woman in her early forties answered. "Hello", she said. "Hi are you Sams aunt?", i asked. "Yes. Who are you?", she asked. "Im her boyfriend". Her aunt gasped.

"I dont know what to do in this situation. Sam never said anything about you coming up here", her aunt said frantically. "I have a question", i said. Her aunt calmed down for a minute. "Where is the baby?". "Upstairs. Why?", she asked. "Its my baby too and i would really like to see it", i told her, "I even brought some stuff for the baby". "You can come see him". I walked inside. "Its a he. I have a son?", i asked. "Yeah. His name is Jakob, but Sam calls him Jake", her aunt said.

"Where is Sam?", i asked. "She is at school", she said. "Ok. How old is the baby?". "Two months", she answered. "Woah", i said. Her aunt laughed as she opened the door. I saw a little boy sitting on a small baby bed. He had pale skin like Sam does. Then he looked exactly like me. Little black hair. Dark brown eyes. He was adorable. Sams aunt let me play with the baby while she went out.

Sams pov

I got home from school and walked through the door. I heard giggling coming from Jakes room. He should be sleeping and my aunt should be here. Who or what could be making him laugh? I walked into the room and saw someone i never expected to see. "Johnny?", i asked. He turned around and smiled. "Hey Sam", he said. I set my bag down and walked over to him and Jake. "What are you doing here?", i asked. "Ive been looking all over for you. I want you to come back to Tulsa with me. I want both you and my son", he said. "Johnny im happy here. Jake will have a good life here and wont have to worry about anything in Tulsa. I think im gonna stay", i said, not looking him in the eyes.

His face fell. "But ive looked all over. I feel terrible that i let you leave that night. How will i stay in his life if im in Tulsa?", he asked. "What if your not in Tulsa?", i smirked. "What?". "What if you come and stay with me?", i asked. "But the guys..", he said. "Johnny im not making you stay. Im offering it to you. You dont have to take it, but i want Jake to be raised here. Its better than Tulsa here", i bargained.

He slightly smiled. "Ive always wanted to leave Tulsa", he said. "What are you saying Johnny?", i asked. "I would love to stay with you if you want me here", he said. "I would love that", i smiled.

Eventually, i finished highschool. I made Johnny finish too. We both hot jobs and our own house. As Jake got older, we had more kids. A baby boy named Dallas after Johnny and i's best friend. Another baby boy named Alex. Johnny and i are still trying for a girl. My family is perfect. I wouldnt change a thing.

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