Soda Imagine

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I am married. I have been for two years. To the most perfect guy ever. Me and Soda have twin daughters, AJ and Denver. I loved them all with everything i had, but i have also been lying to them. Since i was sixteen, i learned that i had cancer. I couldnt get any treatments done because i was a greaser. My family couldnt afford it. I was expected to live for five years. I was twenty two right now. I have been feeling weaker and weaker by the days.

I was laying in bed one day while the girls were at preschool and Soda was at work. I was thinking about going to the hospital, but i couldnt get off the bed. Thats how weak and sick i feel. I was struggling to get up when Soda walked in. He dropped whatever was in his hands and rushed over to me. "Oh my god! Annabelle? What is going on?", Soda asked, laying me back down. "Nothing Soda. I just need to get up", i said, trying once again to get up. But that time i fell back on my own. I couldnt even get up.

"Please tell me whats going on", Soda said, breathing hard. "I never meant for you to find out this way", i cried. "What are you trying to say?", Soda asked, becoming exceptionally nervous. "I have cancer. I have since i was sixteen. I was only supposed to love five years, but im guessing only six", i cried silently. Soda started crying too. "I cant believe you never told me. Thats it. We are going to the hospital. Ill get Pony or Darry or one of the guys to pick up the girls", Soda said, scooping you up in his arms. "Soda you dont have to do this", i said.

"Are you crazy? I would do anything for you. Your my wife and you need a doctor", Soda said, putting me in the car. "Soda we cant afford it. Use this money on the girls not me", i whined. "Its too late anyway", i tried to say. "If you had told me sooner, i would have gotten you a docter. I would have spent all the money in my pocket to get you better. I guess ill just have to do that now", Soda sighed. Inside, he was conpletely freaking out. He could barely drive since the tears were blinding him.

Once at the hospital, i was placed in the ICU. Thdy did all they could. So many tests.

Soda pov

I waited for news on my wife. I loved her so. She couldnt be dying of cancer. I cant believe she never told me. I would have done everything and anything to help save her. A doctor came out and called her name. I rushed over to him. "Im sorry sir. She has passed". My heart stopped. This couldnt be happening. The only thing i had left of her was the girls. I vow that i will never let anything happen to them. I would protect them with my life.

Fourteen years later

"Daddy!", Aj called. "Yes sweetheart?", Soda asked. "I know this isnt a great question to ask, but this weekend is the prom and i really want to go". "Me too", Denver added. "As i was saying, i wanted to know if mom had any dresses that we could use", AJ concluded. Soda was shocked. The twins hadnt asked abour her in years. They eere asking to go to the prom. With boys! "Absolutely not", Soda confirmed.

Both the girls faces dropped in confusion and sadness. "About moms stuff or about prom?", AJ asked. "About both. You two are not going to that dance", Soda ssid firmly. "Everyone else is going to prom. Uncle Pony and Darry are letting their daughters go. Pony and Darry both had four kids each. Pony had three girls and one boy. Darry had it even. Two girls and two boys. They stormed ip to their room and slammed the door.

Soda called his brothers and asked them to come over. Once they got there, Soda asked them for their opinion. "Me and the girls got in a big fight about prom this weekend. I siad they cant go. I dont know what to do", Sod said sadly. "Im letting Star go. Prom is a once in a lifetime thing even though she is only sixteen. I wouldnt want her to be with guys but i have to get over it", Pony said. "I got in a fight with Ruby about prom too. But my wife Summer told me to talk to her and let her go. Now would Annabelle want you keeping the girls from the prom?", Darry asked.

He was right. Annabelle wouldnt want the girls mossing out on the special things in life. Soda sighed. "Thank you guys. I better go talk to them", Soda said. They both left as Soda went up to their room. They are lucky they dont have two girls going to prom at the same time, Soda thought. Soda knocked on the door before walking in. Both the girls were sitting on their beds, facing away from their father.

"What do you want?", AJ asked. Somehow, she turned out to be somewhat like Dallas. No filter. She would speak however she wanted. Soda tried to fix that before giving up. "Im sorry girls. I miss your mother very much and i know for a fact that she would want you to be at prom. She would probably be buying you dresses right now", Soda said. The girls both slowly turned to look at him. "Im very sorry. I am just overprotective i guess. You both can where anything of your mothers. She would love you wearing her clothes. You both remind me so much of your mother", Soda said. The girls just happened to be Annabelle look alikes. "Thanks dad", they said and smiled. "Your welcome", Soda said happily.

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