Pony Imagine

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I was skipping town. I couldnt stay. First, i was pregnant. Second, i was only fifteen. I am totally against abortion and I know my boyfriend wont want the baby either. He is only fifteen and his older brothers would freak out when they figured out what we did. Im scared. Im so young and this shouldnt of happened. But it did and i have to take responsibility for my mistake.

Besides me being a greaser, my older brother, who is ten years older than me, is a soc. He became a doctor after graduating college. We were close until he left. I knew he would take me in. He would be a little upset, but he would help me no matter what. I called him a few nights ago, asking if i could move in with him. He lives in California. He called the airport and has a ticket waiting for me. As i was waiting for my plane, i heard a voice.

I turned to see Pony running at me. "Where you going Denver?", he asked. "Im going to my brothers", i said. One thing i couldnt do was lie. But i sort of have been lying. "What are you going there for?", he asked. I could tell he was angry. "Im going to live there Pony", i told him. "What?! Why didnt you tell me. Im sure Darry would have let you stay with us if you needed a plave that badly. I cant believe you were going to leave and not tell me..." "Im pregnant Pony!!", i blurted. He then was silent. I took a deep breath. "I am pregnant, and its your baby".

Over the speaker, my plane was annouced. I ran off, without another word. Like i said, my brother was really upset. He didnt yell at me. But he gave me the silent treatment for the night. The next day he apologized and said he would support my decision. He thought it would be cool to have a niece or nephew.

Just months later, the worst happened. I found out i was expecting twins. Just my luck. I didnt need twins. I didnt need a baby at all. Not until i was older. I was freaking out until my brother said everything would be ok. Four months after that, i gave birth to the twins. A boy and girl. Of course i used Ponys last name for them. They were his kids as much as mine. I named the boy Patrick Micheal after bothe Soda and Pony. And the girl was named Phoenix River because i wanted her named after a city like me and after my mother who died when i was five.

The two of them were about two years old when i got a loud knock at the door. My brother was at work. It was a Saturday so i didnt have school and i didnt have to take the two to daycare. I got up and answered the door. I gasped seeing my ex boyfriend standing there. "Hey Denny", he said. "Pony what are you doing here?", i asked. "I graduated. Darry wouldnt let me come after you til i graduated", he said. "Its a little early to be graduating", i said. "I was in an honors program", he said. "How did you find me?", i asked. "It took me a while to remember, but you told me where your brother lived. "I have to brothers ya know", i said. It was true. My brother that im living with now is a twin. My other brother was just as smart, but he moved out of the country completely. He works in China or something. He and i werent as close growing up.

"Yes but you only gave me one address, so thats where i checked", he said. I sighed again. "Why are you here?", i asked. "Do you not remember what you told me a little bit ago", he asked. "Of course i do", i said. "Can i see my kid?", he asked. "Kids", i said, opening the door. "What do you mean?", he asked. I pointed to the living room where i was playing with the twins. He saw the two little ones playing with stuffed animals.

"Twins?", he asked, sounding surprised. "Yes twins. Thats Patrick and thats Phoenix", i said. Patrick looked alot like Pony while Phoenix looked like me. "They are adorable. Wait. Why did you name him after my brother?", he asked. "First of all, Soda is nice and sweet to me. Second, i like that name. Third, his middle name is Micheal after you", i finished. "Good. Denver i need to ask you something?", Pony said. "Whats that Pony?", i asked. "I want to marry you. I want to be a family", he said. "Pony im only seventeen and you are too. Im still in school", i started rambling. "Hey we can get married whenever you want. I just want you to be mine", he said. I smiled. I loved Pony alot and i wanted him to be my too.

A year after i graduated, we got married. As the years went on, Pony and i had more kids. A boy named Johnny. A girl named Winter. And twins again. Two boys named James and Darry. We were all a big happy family.

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