Dallas Imagine

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I was twelve years old. I had an older half brother that i was looking for. Just recently, both my parents died in a plane crash, so he was the only option i had. I knew he was in Tulsa. My mom had mentioned him before. I saw one picture of him. He looks like me with blonde hair and blue eyes.

I walked all around Tulsa looking for him. I got hungry, so i used the last of my money on some diner. Then i saw him. He was sitting with five other guys. They were all laughing and having a good time. I walked over and said hello. "What do you want kid?", my so called half older brother asked. "Are you Dallas Winston?", i asked. "Yeah". "Your my older brother. We both have the same dad", i said, "im Scarlet Winston". "Whats your point?". "My mom and dad died. I need someone to stay with and your the only one left". "I dont deal with kids", he said. I huffed angrily. "Fine. I dont need you. I'll survive on my own". With that, i ran from the diner.

Dallas' pov

Some girl just ran from the diner, claiming to be my half sister. She did look like me, but does that matter? I turned to look at the guys and they all scowled at me. "What?", i asked. "Why did you do that?", Darry asked. "She looks just like you", Soda said. "She is younger than me and you let her leave!", Pony shouted. "Not cool man. I wouldnt have done that to my sister", Two-Bit said. "How do you know that is my sister!", i yelled. "She looks like you. Why cant you accept it?", Soda asked. "Fine ill go look for her", i groaned.

Regular pov

I ran as fast as i could. I didnt want to see my brother anymore. Oops. Im sorry. He wouldnt like me saying that. Its my half brother. If he would even believe it. I finally found an alley to sit in. No one would find me here. As long as no one saw me run in here. "Winston kid!", someone yelled. I didnt move. "I know you ran in here. I saw you. Now where are you?", my half brother said. I still didnt move. I didnt want to see him.

He then moved the trashcan i hid behind and found me. "Why didnt you answer me?", he asked. "Why do i have to answer you?", i spat back. "Cause im your older brother", he slightly smiled. "Yeah right. There is probably some other Dallas Winston out there. If anything, you would be my half brother", i said. Then he frowned. "Look im sorry. I just denied the possibility of having a little sister. Just come with me", he gestured me to stand up with him. "I would rather stay here. I feel more welcome here than with you", I spat out. "Then if you dont come with me, im gonna have to do this", he said. He got down and lifted me over his shoulder and started to walk out of the alley.

"Put me down!", i screamed and yelled. "Are you going to walk like a good kid?", he asked. "No!". "Then your not coming down", he said. I groaned. I continued to kick and yell while he pulled me into some house. Finally he let me down. I started screaming at him. "Why did you bring me here? I want to go back to where i was. I dont like you. Your mean. Who are these freaks staring at me?". The other boys around the room started laughing at me. "Whats so funny boys? Will it be funny when you dont have tongues anymore?", i asked. That shut them up. "Your sister is quite a spitfire Dal", one of them said. "Little Winston, these are my friends. Soda, Pony, Darry, Johnny, Two-Bit, and Steve", Dallas introduced. "You all have weird names", i crossed my arms. "And little Winston isnt?", a boy asked. "My name is Scarlet", i stuck out my tongue. "And your name is a color. Isnt that normal", another boy said. "I dont like any of you", i said.

"But your stuck with us", another one said and laughed. "Yeah right", i rolled my eyes. I ran for the door but was caught by two of the guys. "Like we said, your stuck with us. Your now our little sister", he said. I was upset at first, but i got used to my new life. All the boys were very overprotective of me, which led them to getting beat sometimes. I hate it when people help me. When i turned fourteen, Ponyboy asked me out. Dallas almost killed him when he found out but i dealt with him. Ponh and i went through lots of fights and breakups, but in the end, we always got back together. At one point, i made Johnny fake date me to make Pony jealous after we broke up once. Its been pretty good here and i hope it continues.

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