Dallas Imagine

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For all of you that wanted a cute Dally Imagine!

We have been fighting for hours on end. I lost track of what we started arguing about in the first place. "Thats it Dallas! Im outta here!", i screamed. "Good. Dont let the door hit you on the ass on the way out!", he yelled. I angrily slammed the door. No matter what was said in there, i really didnt want to leave. I love Dallas alot, but he would never want to be with me. I dont think im pretty even if others tell me constantly.

Thats what we were fighting about, i remembered. I was tired of how he treated girls, and he didnt want to here it. I was even more angry now remembering. I was halfway to the door when my name was called out. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Please wait!", Dally called. I turned around and frowned, walking even faster. "Wait!", he grabbed my wrist and turned me around. I didnt speak; i looked up in his eyes. "Im sorry (Y/N)", he said. "Whatever Dally. Ill see you later", i said, trying to pull out of his grip.

He just pulled me closer. He leaned in real close. "D.. Dal, what are you doing?", i asked. "This", he said. He kissed me. It was long, and compassionate. I pulled away and looked at him. "Why did you do that?", i asked. "I needed to prove im not bad with the ladies", he smirked. I angrily pulled away and walked outside. I hate that im attracted to him. I hate that i love him. He had to go and play with my emotions.

"Hey! Wait!", Dallas called, chasing after me. I ran, but im not as fast as he is. He caught up with me, tackled me, and we landed on the ground, him on top of me. "I didnt mean it like that i swear", he said. "I dont believe you Dallas. It sounds like one of your usual smart ass comments. You dont know how to be real with a girl", i say, "now get off of me." He doesnt move. He stares down at me. "I know how to be real with girls", he said. "Thats hard to believe", i spat. "Im serious! And i can prove it too!", he exclaimed. "Yeah right." He leans down again, kissing me. This time he pulled away and quickly said something. "What was that Dal? I couldnt quite hear ya", i said.

"I love you! Ok! I love you. I always have. When your with other guys, i get so mad. But i cant do anything about it. I would like for you to be my girl. I promise that i wont treat you like some other girl. Your special. Like no other. So, will you?", he asked, hope in his eyes. "I thought you would never ask", i smirked and we kissed again.

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