Dallas Imagine

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For OxygenDallas

I was so angry. This is the fifth time this month that I'm going down the the police station. All because my stupid boyfriend has nothing better to do than get arrested. And he has no one else to bail him out. I would ask the Curtis', but they already have enough money trouble. I wish I didn't have money trouble. But it seems all the money I make goes to the government for Dallys bail. I'm tired of it.

I get to the police station and go inside. I push my bangs away from my eyes as I go up the the front desk. The women smiled at me sadly. "Here for your boyfriend again?", she asked. "As always", I sighed. "How much is his bail?", I asked. "Six fifty", the women said. My eyes bulged out of my head. "Six fifty? What could he have possibly done to get a bail of six fifty?", I asked. "Robbed a bank", she said quietly. "That's all my life's savings", I sighed. "Honey, you don't have to pay his bail", she said. "Yeah, well, this will be the last time", I said. Never expecting how much Dally will cost me, I carry all my money on me.

I handed my wallet to the women. "It's all in there", I said sadly, seeing every single dollar I earned leave me. "I'm sorry sweetie", the women said. "It's fine. Could you send for my stupid boyfriend please?", I asked. "Sure thing", she said. I went and sat in a chair, tapping my foot angrily waiting for Dallas. A minute or so later, he turned the corner. He smiled when he saw me. "Ky! I'm so happy your here", he said, coming over to give me a hug. I pushed him away. "Let's go", I growled. I walked ahead of him. He had a confused look on his face. Once we got outside, I turned on him.

"Are you kidding me?! A bank! Why would you rob a bank Dallas?", I asked. He knew I was angry. I only used his full name when I was angry. "I needed some money", he said, shifting his weight. "If you were going to rob some place, why couldn't it be a convience store? Or even a restaurant", I said, rambling on before he interrupted me. "What's the big deal anyway?", he asked, getting angry himself. "The big deal? Are you serious? This the the fifth time I had to bail you out this month!", I yelled. "What's your point?!", he yelled. "My point is Dallas, that this time, I had to spend my life's savings on you. I'm broke! And it's all because of you!", I screamed. "You'll make more", he pushed it aside. Tears came to my eyes. "You know what Dallas? I'm done. We're done. Don't bother coming around my house again because I'm sure now I will be evicted since I can't pay the rent!", I turned around to leave when he grabbed my wrist.

"Wait! Don't go. I'll pay you all the money back. I promise", he said. He had tears in his eyes. "Likely story Dallas. Now leave me alone you insensitive douche!", I yelled, getting out of his grip and running towards my house. I would stay at my house, but I need to go to work to get more money. On my one day off, I was trying to get some extra hours at work. While I was on the phone, there was a knock on my door. I put my boss on hold for a minute as I answered the door. There stood Dallas, holding a wad of cash in a box. My jaw dropped. "Ill have to call you back", I said. I put the phone down and looked at Dallas. "What are you doing here Dally?", I asked. He got down on one knee and I gasped.

"I had been meaning to do this for a while now Ky", he said. "I robbed that bank to get the rest of the money to buy you a ring. I had realized you were the girl I wanted to marry when you bailed me out for the first time. I realized you'd do anything for me. I didn't know you were getting angry with me, and if I did, I wouldn't have done it. I got you back half the money you've had to pay for me, but I'll get the rest later. So, Ky, will you do me the honors of being my wife?", he asked. Alls I could do was nod. I jumped into his arms and planned on never letting go.

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