Dally Imagine

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For Outsiderfangirl231

Dallys pov

I was freaking out. And Dallas Winston doesnt freak out. (Y/N) was supposed to be here hours ago, but she still hasnt arrived. For as pong as Ive known her, she never breaks a promise. She said she would be here, and when she says something, thats law. Even if she was mad at me, she still would come yell at me.

Something had to be wrong. It had to be. Thats the only explanation for her being late. I slipped on my leather jacket and walked outside. If she wouldnt come to me, Id go find her.

I walked around town, yet there was no trace of her. I was about to give up after an hour of searching, but then I heard a scream. I waited a second, lustening for the direction of the scream. Then I heard it again, and I ran straight for it. There she was, pinned to the ground by five socs. "Get away from her!", i screamed. They turned to me and started to come towards me. "Oh yeah, what are you gonna do about it tough guy?", one of them asked. I pulled the unloaded gun i keep in my waistband. I pointed it straight at his head.

"Im gonna blow your brains out", i said. Their eyes widened in fear. Then they ran for it. I slipped the gun in in waistband again and went to (Y/N). "Are you ok? Did they hurt you?", I  asked. "Yeah, yeah. Im fine", she said. Then tears started to fall down her face. "Whats wrong?", i asked confused. "Im sorry I was late Dally. I told you I would be there and I wasnt so..." "It wasnt your fault. Lets go get you cleaned up", i said. I picked her up and carried her to my place.

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