Johnny Imagine

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I was walking to the lot. Johnny, my boyfriend, should be there. I was really getting tired of him ignoring me and being so quiet around. I feel like he doesnt trust me. Ive been losing interest in him for awhile and i cant take it anymore. I have to tell Johnny im not in love with him anymore.

I saw him sitting against the tree as i got there. He heard my footsteps and looked up at me. He didn't smile, but groaned. "What are you doing here(Y/N)?", he asked. I kept standing instead of sitting next to him. "I need to talk to you Johnny", I said. He groaned again. "Can we do it some other time? I'm not in the mood", he said. He got up and started to walk away. "No Johnny! I need to talk to you now!", i yelled. He called over his shoulder, "I'll talk to ya tomorrow." I felt tears coming into my eyes. "I'm not in love with you anymore!" He stopped in his as soon as the words came out of my mouth. He slowly turned around, looking at me sadly. "What?", he asked. "I dont love you anymore Johnny. And i know you dont love me either. You ignore me, and don't wanna talk to me anymore. I think its best we see other people", i said.

He looked down, then back up. He looked furious. "Are you cheating on me?", he asked. I looked at him shocked. "No, I am not", i said. "Dont lie to me (Y/N)! Your obviously trying to get out of this relationship to be with your other man! Who is he, huh? Is he in the gang? Soda? Steve? Who is it .(Y/N)?", he kept asking. "Im not cheating on ya Johnny! Im breaking up with you because your a complete jerk!", I screamed. Before he could respond, I ran off, back to my house. When i got there, I couldnt make it to my room. I collapsed on the couch, crying like ive never cried before.

Johnnys pov

I kicked rocks as i walked to the Curtis house. I was very angry. What have i done to loose (Y/N)? I think im a great boyfriend. She doesnt love me anymore. She thinks i dont love her. Do i love her? we have been seeing each other for almost a year. Eleven months, twenty days, sixteen hours, not sure about minutes. How do i know all that? Whatever. I walked into the Curtis house and sat down next to Pony. "Hey Johnny", he said. "Hey Pony", i said. He looked at me concerned. "Whats wrong?", he asked. "Well for starters, (Y/N) broke up with me", I said. He didnt seem shocked. I looked around the room and everyone was silent. "What?", I asked. No one said anything. "Did you all know she was going to break things with me?", I asked. Soda spoke up first. "Johnny, dont take offense buddy, but you've been treating (Y/N) like trash lately", he said. My face turned red. "I do not!", i protested. "Yeah you have. (Y/N) has came to us crying about ya Johnny. We told her she shouldnt have to deal with your act anymore", Steve said.

"But...but she said she doesnt love me anymore. What did i do?", i asked. I felt like crying. "Johnny! Its obvious! You ignore her. You dont care when she comes to you. You dont even want to talk to her at all", Two said. I was about to protest, but they were right. She didnt want to break up with me. I made her. My actions did this. Im causing my own pain. But that means one thing. I love (Y/N). She has to have some feelings left for me. "I think Im gonna go talk to her", I said.

I dashed out of the house.I ran to her house and knocked loudly on the door. She came to the door and opened it. When she saw me, she tried to close the door but i pushed it open. She walked into her livng room. "Go away Johnny. I dont want to see you", she said. "Ok, ok. You dont have to see me. Just hear me out. I made some huge mistakes. Im sorry i have been ignoring you. I promise it wont happen again. I promise i'll change. As long as you take me back, I'll do anything you want. If i need to change my attitude, I would do anything for you. Please, i promise", I said. She walked back into the room. "Alright Johnny, But dont ignore me anymore. I love talking to you", she told me. "Dont worry", I said. "Ive realized how much i have missed out on."

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