Austria-Hungary x reader

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In the story, Reader is g/n.

You were surprised and shocked, Austria-Hungary, was in the ICU(Intensive Care Unit). You had seen him getting carried to the tents. You were working as a nurse/doctor. Everyday, you would see many soldiers getting in and out. But, Austria-Hungary? This is new. You've never would've thought that the Countryhuman himself would would land in the hospital. You were assigned to his room as his uh...nurse/doctor. Everyday, you would check on him, he did not say a word. One day, you slowly and quietly creek the door open.  His white eyes opened and stared at you. Shit, you woke him up. You quietly made your way next to his bed. "Austria-Hungary? Can I ask what is happening out there...?" You tried to start up a conversation. "Nothing much...just guns firing..." His turned his head to look at the walls as if the walls suddenly became interesting.
《Time skip to 1 month later...》
Austria-Hungary recovered from his uh...wounds(yeah Ill keep it simple). By the time he was released, the war has subsided for now... Anyway now that work was finally finished, you were allowed to go home. You can't wait to see you family members. As you stepped out of the hospital, you saw Austria-Hungary, he looked like he was waiting for someone. You ran up to him and tackled him to the ground for a hug. Over that 1 month, you and him became friends but you felt like you had known him forever. You started developing feelings for him too, but you pushed those aside. There was no way he could even like a peasant like you(reader-chan don't be depressing). You saw Austria-Hungary get up and held your hands in his. "(Y/n), during that 1 month, we became friends but I have developed feelings for you and it felt like I had known you since young. (Y/n)...will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend?"(remember, its g/n) You practically cried? Yeah, you having that feelings for Austria-Hungary made you say yes of course. You both walked (anywhere).

I never wrote Countryhumans before so if I got the entire thing of Austria-Hungary wrong, pls correct me and also what language does he speak?

WW1/WW2 Countryhumans x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now