Third Reich x reader

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Thank you sendbraincells for requesting!
Enjoy the story.
For this reader will be referred to as female.
Friend name > (f/n)
Imperial Japan > I.J.
Fascist Italy > F.I.
For this story, I kinda ship I.J. with F.I. or Third Reich, but since reader is with Third, I.J. is with F.I, okay?

You are a spy working for Soviet Union, he called you in today, hm... what is he gonna ask you to do today? There's only one way to find out. "Okay (y/n), your job today is to spy on Third Reich, see what he is up to today. You're dismissed." Okay, spy on Third Reich today and note down his plan... shouldn't be hard right? You thought to yourself, yes you were born in Russia, yes you were called to work for Soviet Union, means that you either work or you sacrifice your life. To be honest, you don't find this job that bad. But stalking uh wait... spying someone, whole new level.
《Time skip》
Okay... here you are. The office building where Third Reich works? (Idk) So you just have to sneak in and bring back the planning Third Reich is doing to Soviet Union. Uh, it's a good thing Soviet Union provided suitable clothes so that you can blend in with the workers(you're already wearing it). You stepped in the building when... "(y/n)! Oh it's so go to see you again!" Yup, your friend (f/n) whom you had met before joining Soviet Union greeted you. "What are you dojng here? Are you here to work?" You stopped in your tracks and turned around, "oh it's just you, yea I'm here to work." You nervously told her, you turned your heels and (quickly) ran off. Damn, this place is huge, took you awhile to figure out the office. (What? You're Russian, you can understand German too? Author claps* sorry if it offended you readers. Sorry) Well, all you have to do is to take their plannings and pass it to Soviet Union and run out then mission is over. You sneakily tip toed to the office door and you heard three voices, oh it's Third Reich himself, Imperial Japan and Fascist Italy.
《What is happening in there》
"So what should we do signore?(I think it's correct). Soviet is already planning moves." Fascist Italy asked, I.J. added, "はい、ソビエトはすでにスパイを送りました。" Third Reich rested his head on one hand and thought hard, so Soviet already sent spies to spy their next moves, aha, bingo(idea popped up). "Wir sollten ihnen eine warnung senden, um ihre spionage zu minimieren, einen buchstaben verwenden." Third Reich replied, ushering the both countries out. I.J. nodded and opened the door, Fascist Italy following behind. Oh shoot they are coming! You thought to yourself, you looked around and squeezed yourself to hide behind a corner. You sighed maybe too loudly and caught the attention of I.J, thankfully you were hiding at somewhere not visible to her."何? 誰かに聞こえた気がした..." I.J. told F.I, "forse stai sentendo delle cose mio bella ragazza." F.I. replied, Third Reich also got out of the room to accompany I.J. and F.I, leaving you, now is your chance. You sneaked into the room(don't worry, you are wearing boots not high heels).
Your Pov:
Alright now where were their plannings, I need to find it quickly before Third Reich comes back. I thought as you frantically scanned through the stack of papers on his desk. "Ughh... where is the plans...?" I mumbled to myself, it has been 10 minutes and you still haven't found it yet, then you jolted up when the door opened. Oh sh*t, you thought. You quickly hid under his table, bruh yea it was a bad idea but you had no time.
No one's Pov:
"Ah, looks like I.J. and F.I. were right after all. The Allies or should I say... Soviet did send spies over." Third Reich wondered around his office, how he knew? You left the door slightly ajar when the Axis trio left. You heard Third Reich scoffed when he couldn't find you. Your eyes loomed around in fear until... there, the plans are under the table. You were about to grab it when you realised your vision got blurry and the next thing you know? You blacked out.
《Time skip》
"Gah! Where am I?" "Looks like someone has woken up sir." You heard a female voice, if not mistaken it belongs to I.J. herself, you could hear her speaking to Third Reich in her native tongue(which is Japanese) so that you don't understand a single thing. After they were done talking I.J. left the room leaving you and Third Reich in slience, it wasn't until he asked you a couple of questions. "So, from Soviet Union huh? I found this in a locker. (The picture is a Soviet pin for the uniform the Soviet military wears)

Ah sh*t, no wonder you felt something was missing from your pocket. You must've accidentally left your Soviet pin in your friend's locker by accident. "Ah, about that-" Third Reich tossed the Soviet pin and you caught it(just you can't move your legs). "You tell me schön(uh is it spelt correctly?), why work for Soviet when you could just live a normal live?" Yeah, you don't have a reason, actually you have a specific one reason, and it causes you to break down mentally everytime you think of it. Should you trust Third Reich?
You don't know what to do, it's either your life gets taken or your family's lives get taken. You either...
1. Go along and tell Third Reich
2. Keep quiet and not tell
Your choice... your fate.

Well readers, I think I will stick to this kind of writing style where you pick either 1 or 2 because I think it's best for you to decide?
signore > sir
はい、ソビエトはすでにスパイを送りました > Yes, Soviet already sent some spies
Wir sollten ihnen eine warnung senden, um ihre spionage zu minimieren, einen buchstaben verwenden > We should send them a warning so that they will minimise their spying, use a letter (for this I am not so sure for the English translation, correct if I am wrong, same for the others)
何? 誰かに聞こえた気がした > What? I thought I heard someone
forse stai sentendo delle cose mio bella ragazza > Maybe you are just hearing things (I'm not gonna translate the last three words because... uh some reason)
I am not so sure for the Italian because I don't learn it.
I hoped you enjoyed it though, I am gonna make the part 2 for G.E. so stay tuned readers! :) have a good morning/afternoon/night wherever you are.

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