Russian Empire x reader

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If you readers chose 1, this part is yours.

You walked to R.E.'s room, the hallways were long(and like very, very long). You knocked on the door a few times before you heard, "Come in..." You creek open the door and saw...R.E?
Why is he awake at this time of the night? "Oh, can't I be awake?" R.E. sorta replied, he seemed to be reading you by looking at your face expression. You quietly walked to him so as to not wake the others up(actually, who does R.E. live with anyway). "Why are you awake?" He asked, obviously giving you the cold stare. "W-well, I have something to tell you s-sir..." You stuttered.
Your Pov:
No (y/n)! What are you thinking, you can't stutter. Not right now. "What is it?" I heard the Countryhuman spoke.
No one's Pov:
"I-I love you, R-R.E..." You (obviously) stuttered. R.E looks at you with wide eyes. He looked away and replied, "I'm sorry (y/n), I don't really like you." You gasped and ran? Out of the house. Great, it's raining... you thought that you might as well sleep in the streets in the rain. "Wait, (y/n)!" R.E ran out and stopped you. "Get your hands off me! I don't wanna talk to you now..." you pried his hands off your shoulder and walk back into the rain. Where would you go now? Definitely not R.E's house, you are never going back there after how he broke and shattered your heart into pieces. R.E sat back in his room desk, what was he gonna do now. He did love you but... he didn't know how to say... he wished that he didn't rejected you, he wants to fix this. But how, you're gone, he can't contact you. He has to move on(although he doesn't want to). He wish, that he could fix this problem and be with you...

~Bad ending~
Alright readers, sorry but it's a bad ending for those who chose 1. Since I revealed 1 is a bad ending, you'd obviously know what is 2. Wait patiently for 2. Tack :)

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