Ussr x reader

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Since most(maybe?)of you readers chose 2. this is your part. I'll skip 1 cuz why not. Enjoy!

Okay, you decided to burn their car. If you want a lighter, explosives or anything. Ask Soviet Union, he practically has everything(not all). Well, after paying for the stuff you dragged Soviet Union to your parents car. Soviet Union took out his lighter as you both grinned widely, you took the lighter and lit the bottom of the car before throwing the lighter in the car by breaking the window(wow that piece of art is beautiful reader-chan). The car exploded moments later, seems like you and Soviet Union are enjoying the view. You quickly hid behind something while peeking through, your head abit visible. "Ah! Wtf happened to our car!" Your sister screamed. You and Soviet Union chuckled softly, hoping that you both were not heard by your family. You saw as your sister stomped her feet and walked home. Hm... where they broke? You thought as Soviet Union picked up the groceries from a nearby bench you placed the items on. You stood up from your crouching position and helped Soviet Union.
《Time skip》
After placing the groceries in their respective places, you lay on the couch and sigh. "Phew, that was long." You sighed, and to think that burning stuff is fun. Ringggg...... your phone rang, "...подсолнух who is that?" Soviet Union asked. "Uh wait lemme answer it." You replied and picked up the phone. "Hello?""Heyyyy...(y/n). So our car like got set on fire so do you think you could send us 1 million dollars?" You sister asked. You and Soviet Union's eyes widened. Wtf? 1 million. I know he's y'know but why so much money, I thought they are rich? You rolled your eyes and hanged up. "Hello? Hello!" Your sister screamed, "ugh! That bitch, so selfish like f*ck!"
《More time skip》
You were walking out cuz you were going shopping for stuff again when you saw your parents and sister on the streets begging for money? "Oh! Sister you're here!"" You know dear daughter we raised you so you wouldn't mind if you gave us money right?" Really? After how they have treated you? No way in hell are you giving them money! "No way! Get a job!" "Ugh you ungrateful brat stop acting rude to your parents and give us money this instant!" Your mother hollered. " parents? All I know is that you guys kicked me out of the house for doing something I didn't even do! And now you want me to give you money? No way in hell am I doing that! If you're that desperate for money go get a job lazy assh*les!" You screamed in their face. Not wanting to be there anymore, you ran back home and cried. Why? Why is life horrible? Then, two small hands reached out and tugged at your shirt/dress(yeah lil Russia is here). You looked up and saw wittle Russia(so kawaii). You wiped your tears and picked him up. Okay, maybe life can be good too. Not everything is as bad as you think.

Sometimes, you will just face problems which are just obstacles in life, if you overcome them, maybe something good and new will appear in life. Don't be negative readers and cheer up! Mayne you could have a happy ending in life soon. Wish you all the best readers! Follow your dreams and maybe it will lead you to somewhere. If you have a crush on someone but they like someone else, get over it, maybe you could find another person that likes you. If your boyfriend/girlfriend breaks up with you or cheats on you, get over him/her. Maybe they are not your type. Hang out with more people and maybe then, you will find someone of your type that likes you too.
-(maybe) motivational quote by the author

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