German Empire x reader

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Alright readers I will write 1  here...
(Ex)'Best friend's' name > (bf/n)
Favourite colour > (f/c)

You asked G.E. to come closer so that you could tell him the plan. So basically you get G.E. to be (bf/n) pretend boyfriend so that he could lure her to her death (uh I am not so sure).
《Time skip》
G.E's Pov:
Alright so I have to get her to fall for me and kill her... not a problem but if it goes wrong (y/n) is dead so... uh where do I start. Hah! I will find her first, it's been awhile since I murdered someone. I narrowed my eyes and grinned evilly while thinking, well what (y/n) asked me to do wasn't hard but if I make a wrong move it would not end well... I walked around the corner outside of the hospital and found her in the garden. She seems to be looking at the flowers, okay nothing special basically.
No one's Pov:
G.E. walked up to (bf/n) and sat beside her on the bench. (Bf/n)'s face turned beet red. "Uh um... G.E?" G.E. turned his head to face (bf/n), he turned to look at her, giving the neutral face expression. Is he happy? No. Is he enjoying it? No. He is doing this for someone. Someone that he likes and adores dearly... Well, G.E. asked (bf/n) straightforwardly. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" (Bf/n)s's eyes widened, did G.E. reaally just said what she heard?  "Uh... but I thought you were with (y/n)?" G.E. paused, sorry (y/n), but I'll check on you later, gimme a while to settle this problem, G.E. mumbled to himself. "Hm? You say something liebe?(yea she German)" Oh she actually accepted to be my fake girlfriend, how naive of her. G.E. just having thoughts.
《Time skip》
G.E. has been hanging around with (bf/n), of course he would check up on you. You lived in his house and cleaned it even though he asked you not to overwork yourself. "Huh, was ist das?" G.E. pointed at the letter you're holding, you unfolded it and it written that it was for G.E. "Is that for me?" G.E. asked and you nodded, you might as well read it out.
Dear G.E,
How does it sound if we go out on a date somewhere? If so, meet me at the park at 7!
Love, (bf/n)
"So how about looking good for her and take her out to a restaurant?""Uh (y/n)? Can we please stop with the plan, it can't get more cringer than it is now..." G.E. responded, he looked at you, you sighed. Hm, well it could end with a revenge, you narrowed your eyes at that thought, G.E. seemed like he was reading your mind, he could exactly tell that you want to end it with a revenge. And that was to make her jealous ofc. He seems to have an idea for that, oh how nice it is to see people suffer.
《At the park》
You wore a (f/c) dress/shirt and some shorts (works for both) while G.E. just wore his uniform (yep typical). It wasn't until then your 'friend' broke the peace and slience. "Hey! What are you doing with Mein boyfriend?!" She practically screamed in your face, bruh is she that dumb.
Your Pov:
Look at my face, you think I care? I thought, she really is a dummkopf. This motherf'cker doesn't get it. She sounds like those pretty(ugly) high school girls that steals boyfriends. Lol ngl it sounds about right. This hag won't shut and screams and yells fake stuff, she can't understand any sh*t going on.
G.E's Pov:
I don't get what the f*ck is wrong with her. Doesn't she realised I like (y/n)? Or is she blind. I mentally facepalm myself, god sometimes I wonder what's up with her. It's like she can't be satisfied without talking crap.
No one's Pov:
After 1 long torturous hour, she'd finally back off and go mind her f*cking business lol. Who would've thought that your friend from back there (back from pre/middle/high school) who had been your friend for who knows and now... the tables may have turned. Well, who knows now what would happen? This is how life works, so you can't change fate, or can you...?
To be continued...

I will end it right here, I won't write a part 3 anytime soon because I have other requests. I might do a part 3 soon?

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