German Empire x reader

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Second Reich/ German Empire
Credits to the owner of the art
Thank you Kingdom_of_Soosiania for requesting!
G.E. x soldier!reader
Hey, news! G.E. is like those normal countryhuman heads, not rectangle cuz I prefer it that way... anddd he is your boyfriend.
Best friend's name > (bf/n)

You tried limping to the nurses tent as you were injured on the leg and your legs could not support your body as they feel numb but the soldiers were at battle and there was no one to help you. You collapsed infront of the nurses tent. G.E. was walking past when he He quickly scooped you up and marched inside the nurses tent. Nurses are running here and there, you were gently placed on a bed and G.E. walked out. He's gonna replace you with someone in the meanwhile.
《Time skip to a few days later...》
You were brought to a hospital, you woke up and felt someone beside you, you turned your head and saw G.E. sleeping?  You gotta say like G.E, he looked kinda cute when he is sleeping, but anyways why is he here. Like you though he had a millon others things he could do but he chose to sit beside your bed? Hm...that's odd. Why is he here too. You got up when you suddenly felt a surge of pain through your leg and accidently gripped onto G.E's hand and too hard which caused G.E. to jump. "Oh (y/n) you're awake?" You nodded, as your throat felt dry and it hurts. G.E. left a cup of water on the nightstand and left, you picked up the cup and gulped half of the water. Who knew you were so thirsty that you almost finished the cup of water, well sittjng in a hospital room all by yourself is not fun either, but what can you do anyways? There's like nothing, even if there was, you can't even get it because your leg... um is injured. You lay back down on the bed and try to get yourself to sleep but you can't sleep at all.
《Time skip》
It's been a few days and you are starting to get bored when..." (y/n)?" G.E. called, you sat up and looked at him. You were recovering gradually and maybe can go back for war. "Finally G.E. I was bored and I missed you!" G.E. chuckled as you pouted and crossed your arms. "What? I am serious!" You whined, G.E. closed the door behind him and sat on the bed. Just then, there was a knock on the door and your best friend (bf/n) walked in, "wow (y/n) are you okay?" She asked. You sigh, well you do enjoy being with (bf/n) but sometimes she just get things done the way she wants it to be. She even tried to steal G.E. from you one time, well because she has a minor no... major crush on G.E. but can't she see G.E. is already taken by you? Well nevermind the oh so interesting thoughts now, "Well uh... yeah I'm fine (bf/n)..." she would always interfere with you and ruin stuff going on between you and G.E. but, why? Obviously you dunno but, this is life? It doesn't matter as long as you have G.E. with you. While you chatted with (bf/n) you and G.E. felt weird and suspicious. Every time when you or G.E. mention  something, she would grin widely and that is creepy, it felt likely that she is either planning something or hiding something from you whereas G.E. was always being stared at by (bf/n) and you wondered why.
《Time skip》
(Bf/n) went out and came back with a drink for you and she headed out. "Wait! (Y/n) don't drink it first, smell it." G.E. said, you tried smelling the drink and did you just smell poison?! Wtf why would she put poison in there, you thought, ahah! She must've tried to kill you in order to have G.E. to herself. But why? Weren't you guys friends? What about the times when you spent together? Were you not good enough? Or was it just because she if a selfish b*tch who is jealous because G.E. is your boyfriend. That can be possible, and you wanna do something...
What will you do readers?
1. Plan a revenge
2. Wait for the perfect timing to stab her?
Your choice...

Well dear readers, I decided to write another part for this because... um I ran out of ideas already so the most votes in the comments for 1 or 2.
I will write for the part with the most votes.

WW1/WW2 Countryhumans x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now