Fascist Italy x abused!reader

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Thank you Lunar19234 for requesting! So sorry for the long days of not updating, I uhm rather not say what happened.
F.I. > male
I.J. > female
T.R. > male
T.R. x I.J. I ship it and it's my fave :)
You > female
Friend name > (f/n)

You woke up, sweat rolljng down your face. Another nightmare, god you wonder when the torture will be all over. You are (y/n) (l/n), 17 years old and you live with your abusive mother, your father lives separately in another state because uhm, they were broken by a divorce. You mother won custody over you and here you were, last night she came home from a (strip) club, it's the way she makes money. You had no grandparents or uncles and aunts on either side of the family, your hands were still sore from yesterday. Your mother treats you like how any other maid would be but much worse.
You heard the door slam open, you flinched stormed into the kitchen, the smell of strong alcohol emitting from your mother's breath. She harshly grabbed your wrists and you yelped before being slapped in the face by her, this was normal so it wouldn't really hurt if you really don't care at all(my experience, just I don't have an alcoholic mom). "What are you waiting for?! Go make dinner!" Your mother hollered, you flinched before scurrying to the kitchen otherwise I don't think you are living to see tomorrow. You prayed/hoped that you can go be free and live with your father instead, you don't wanna stay in this hellhole anymore. School wasn't really that bad but you were constantly being picked on and bullied, you only had three friends(the Axis!!!), Third Reich, Imperial Japan and Fascist Italy as they were being called. You had grown to fall for and love(like) the Italian man, but you wouldn't think he would reciprocate your feelings, he's pretty much closer to his two other friends anyways, I.J. knows about your little crush so she'd tease you about it, least it's not constantly, you also know she likes T.R. but you don't wanna be a bother, I mean like I.J. is helping you with your crush and giving hints to F.I. so he has an idea of whoever is crushing on him. They also know of your problems at home, they try to help as much as they can. For example, since you look abit undernourished(no offence), they give you some lunch money or share their food. You loved their German, Japanese and Italian food that varied from time to time, you especially loved F.I's pasta or pizza he'd bring from home. Everything was going pretty find, until one day...
《After school》
You were walking home, well not excitedly because you might get beaten up again or so, but as you arrived at the front yard you smelled smoke and looked up to your surroundings and found out that your house was burning  and your mother was somewhat dead because she was caught in the fire. As much as you wished your mother died, watching your room and the things you own in there burn, wouldn't it hurt to see your favourite items etc. burnt and charred?  You whipped out your phone and called your friends, only I.J. answered, since she stayed around the corner of your house, she should know where you lived. "I.J. can y-you call (what number is the firetruck in your country) and c-come to my h-house...?" You sniffed, I.J. got worried and made her way to your house. She also brought along the others.
《Time skip》
After the firefighters and the Axis trio arrived, the house was already burnt to the ground, leaving bits of burnt wood and furniture with smoke filling the atmosphere. You sat on the ground and cried, basically all the memories you spent in this house, where you now used to live, where you were born, your hometown and such, F.I. gave you a hand to help you up and gladly accepted, you hugged him tightly as he patted your back. You heard cameras click as you turned and saw T.R. and I.J. holding their phones and snapped pictures of you both, you didn't really mind right now, you needed (some) comforting anyways. You still have a thousand other things you can tell T.R. about I.J's love for him

Readers I can't- I can't finish this- I still have requests and sorry for it being short and not updating.
Part 2 soon...
Published: 13.6.23

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