United Kingdom/England x reader

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Welp part 3. There is probably a few comments or one for a part 3 I guess? So Imma not be lazy today and post smth at least. Screw my A/n, I'm still continuing this beautiful book. Thank you for 10.2k reads too!
Warnings: No. Jus abit of France x Germany[srry I dont ship but its for the story].
Favourite colour > (f/c)

You could hear background noises before someone spoke again. "Hello? (Y/n)? I heard you were asking for me?" UK asked, a small hint of confusion in his voice, he wasn't too sure neither was he even aware of what you are gonna do. You nervously fidgeted with your fingers and exhaled, you don't know what to say, the clock ticked slowly, yet what you want to confess is not coming out from your mouth. As minutes go by, your brain seemed to not cooperate and comprehend properly, you are wasting both yours and UK's time, only your coughs can be heard from you. "(Y/n), are you okay?" You heard UK, but then suddenly it hung up. You received a message from England, ah what have you gotten yourself into, now look at England, ranting on why you are wasting time so why not just come clean? You were too tired, you were exhausted, you know you don't even stand a chance to win UK so let him be with France, his one true love(srry y'all).
《Next day》
You don't know how long you can keep going, everyday that gone by, you could feel your health deteriorating. The UK brother are concerned, mostly England. Remember your plan of getting him as your "boyfriend"? He's rethinking about it, which basically he's starting to fall for you but oh well, he doesn't know how much longer you have to live.
《Time skip》
The door opens to have a sobbing? UK run in the house, disturbing the UK brother's teatime and much to their surprise. "What do you think happened?" Scotland asked, the other three look at each other and shrugged, not to mention Ireland paid a visit. "Wales how 'bout you go and find out?" England said, sipping his Earl grey, Wales hesitantly sat there, not moving at all. After multiple glares and stares from the others, he groaned and reluctantly stood up and began dragging his feet across the hallway to UK's room. The door burst open again catching the attention of the 3, this time you stood infront of the door, wearing a (f/c) blouse and stood there, not entering the house, you glanced at England. It took him awhile to notice it, "ah (y/n)! Come in, please close the door." England with a smile, took him long enough. You coughed into your hand again, more petals and blood dripping from your mouth to your chin, on your hand and onto the ground, the concerning looks the UK brother's gave you. "Oh dear (y/n)! What happened!?" Ireland asked, he clearly missed out a lot since he wasn't here that time, you sat down beside England. Just nice, Wales came back, an undescribable look on his face as he took his sit beside Scotland again. "Well? What do you know?" England asked, hands folded, the others eyed him, waiting for his answer. Wales cleared his throat, "well, France and UK broke up." It took some time for all the 4 of you to process before gasping and so. "Wait wha- what happened? UK out with another girl?!" Scotland asked, Wales gave him the "seriously" face before facepalming.
"Hello UK!" France shouted, waving at UK, they decided to meet at the Baguette(cuz it had to be) shop. UK turned around, France was standing there, waving at UK. Then Germany was walking past, France turned and called out to Germany, in which earning a sigh. And you know, just imagine, France kissing a shocked Germany and that's where the arguments started and all, poor Germany.
"Must be the weirdest thing I heard-" England commented, the others agreed, you sat quietly beside England, staring at him, well lately... you had this tingely feeling when you are near or around England(you know what that means-). Your uhm... hanahaki thing is gone, congrats for ur survival. Oh don't worry, everyone will soon grow to love someone else, it's just life, trust me, England is better than UK(lmao). Don't worry England loves you, he'll be there for you... don't be shy, I know you want him.
(right ladies?😂)

Scotland nudged your shoulder. "What  are you staring at hm? Your crush?" Scotland laughed, you blushed, feeling your face heat up. Wales smirked, England is in confusion and... y'know England is oblivious to all of this. This sounds like a (senpai notice me thing). Now imagine you, being caught in this awkward conversation, hearing the two laughing as if they're high and seeing a confused England getting lost in this.

Right... you could leave them be... then you have England chase after you... I feel like I've read this plot so many times before... so I'll turn this inti a romcom and maybe y'all can decide the endings... let's keep this story continuing and maybe then I'll turn this into a book lol.
What do y'all say?:
1. Leave them alone.
2. Splash tea on Wale and Scotland.
3. Slap them.
4. Take England and run.

So many funny options... personally I'd like to throw IKEA chairs at Wales and Scotland if I could. I'm Swedish and I'm not afraid to use the great IKEA furniture as weapons.

And yes. I was gone for idk how long... it felt like a million years. So I was busy studying... coz I used to study in an American school in US. Then I moved back to Sweden coz the Americans there had a food fight and then plastic plates hit me and it was quite... pain.
Dw I'm alright :)

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