United Kingdom x reader

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This is part 2. So I read through the comments. Some said 2 so here it is. Sorry for not updating.
You (while talking to England)
England (while talking to you)
Warning: Mentions of blood.

"Who is it?" UK asked, you shuffled your feet as you looked around, there is no way out of this. "UK, France, can England and I have a moment." They all nodded and left, England looked confused as of why you asked everyone to leave. You trust England, not that you have no trust to the others but he knows you more than his brothers and France. "What do I do!?" "I don't know what you want me to do!?" "At least help me." You coughed into your hands as more blood and petals fell out from your mouth. England put a hand under his chin and tried to think of something so that the truth of you liking UK will be covered up. "How about I pretend to like you?" "HOW TF IS THAT GONNA HELP!?" You put a hand over his mouth, he mumbled under his breath after you removed your hand. England crossed his arms and reconsidered your idea. "Well I guess we can do that, just avoid any physical interaction." You nodded, England called the rest in, it was just the right timing. Blood still dripped from your mouth and your breathing was cut sometimes, England handed you a tissue and you thank him quietly. "So who is it, please please tell me mon cher ami!" France asked impatiently as she held your hand, begging you to tell her. You look over to England and he nodded, signalling to follow along the plan and tell her, after all, it was your idea. "Well uh, it's... it's England." You sheepishly smiled, France was so happy for you, she was too happy to notice the the UK brothers(except for UK and England) looked at you disapprovingly. They shook their heads at you, you gave them a thumbs up in which they narrow their eyes at.
《Time skip》
You lay down on your bed and sigh, your coughs were longer and you could barely breath anymore. Having said that, your bathroom looks like a mess everytime you go in and y'know blood and full-fledged flowers. UK and France's wedding is next week, France asked you to be her maid of honour. Well, you could still attend, you wouldn't miss that out right? Thinking about you dieing irks you, why do you have such thoughts actually. You decided to text someone, but who. Welp France would only hang a few minutes before she left read, not to mention the time but it's 12:45a.m. and you wanna text someone because of boredom. You put a cloth over your mouth incase you were about to cough again. Your throat felt very dry and everytime you would feel like coughing and... that's what's happening now. You removed the cloth and it was already painted crimson because of blood, you made a disgusted look and dumped it into a basket, screw it just use tissue paper instead, man and blood is sure hard to wash off.
England's Pov:
Sure (y/n) can be annoying but hanging out with her isn't that bad, I kept on having this feeling, every time I'm with her I... idk it just feels weird. I was about to lie on my bed and sleep when my phone vibrated, I know it would be from (y/n) because she would usually stay up late unless if she has something important to do the next morning. I hesitated on whether I should pick up the phone or not, I know if I answer her she would talk about her secrets or so and keep me up for at least until 2a.m. in the morning, but on the other hand I also enjoy her company and time we spent together and my stomach would have butterflies. So then... this is what they call love, ignoring this feelings will be hard and confessing to her might break our friendship and it might seem awkward.
Your Pov:
I tried calling England, hoping he would answer, he might be the only UK brother that knows most of my secrets.  Well I enjoy talking to him and his company but despite all of that I see him as a friend. I try to get over my feelings for UK as he already has France but thinking about them being together irks me. I feel jealously building inside me as I think about that more and more, the only reason why I had this disease in the first place was because of the growing feelings I had for him. Ugh well I should've confessed earlier to UK, even if he rejects me I still wouldn't be in my current situation, now I actually regret bottling up my feelings.
No one's Pov:
England finally decided to answer your call, to your excitement of course. You don't wanna sound annoying or so but you want someone to talk to. "What now?" You can hear England groaning in the background, he was obviously exhausted. "Sorry... I was only gonna ask if UK is awake." You replied back, hoping you hadn't wake him up from his sleep. You coughed into some tissue paper available at your room and threw in into the dustbin full of it, blood on tissues and full fledged flowers filled the dustbin, almost like an artwork but in a... disgusting and worst possible way. "... yeah he is, why?" You heard England, well you were planning on confessing to UK cuz it seemed like the "perfect" time to you. No actually you wanted to get this over and done, who might know how long you have left to live, you could be gone tomorrow or so, England doesn't have to know that you are confessing...

And... readers I am out of ideas. Might need a part 3 for this. I would not write it soon, I still have another one to write + requests from y'all. Since I wasn't online for awhile I have to write finish all the requests one by one before proceeding to another.
Published: 3.6.23

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