Russian Empire x reader

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For those readers who chose 2. This is your part. Enjoy!

You were going to confess your feelings to R.E, just...not now. You'd take rejection as an answer because of how busy this man is.
《Time skip to Sunday》
(It was Monday so...)
That's it, you needed to gather courage in order to confess to him. You've waited for what seemed like years but infact it was only 6 days. It was currently in the morning so of course R.E would be busy, but instead, you decided to walk to his room. You knocked a few times."Come in!" R.E shouted from the other end of the room. You twisted the doorknob and closed the door behind you once you walked in. "Is there anything you need in particular that you have to come now (y/n)?" R.E asked, giving you the stern look. "Well uh might not be important but I'll make it quick!" You panicked. R.E looked at you and back at his papers before gesturing you to sit on the chair infront of his desk. "Well, sir. I..." you paused. "Go on, what are you waiting for. I don't have all day." R.E narrowed his eyes. You certainly thought you wouldn't get out alive. "Sir, I'm in love with you." You blurted out. R.E widened his eyes. Without letting him say a word you left to give him some space. You continued on your daily tasks you'd normally have to do in R.E's house(wait does he live alone?).
《Time skip to night time》
You changed into you (f/c) pajamas and walked up to your uh...table/makeup stand?(is that what its called, oh well nvm) You saw a letter on the table. You picked it up and read it. '(Y/n), meet me in my office.' Okay, that letter was enough to make you panick. While walking along the halls, you thought of possible reasons why he called you. Was he gonna fire you? You didn't have to knock because the door was already open. You walked in and shut the door. "Yes sir? You called me?" R.E looks up at you and stood up, he walked over to you and interwined his hands with your's. "(Y/n), well, I love you too..." R.E blushed and looked away. You couldn't be anymore happier with the given answer. You tackled R.E for a hug while he uh...awkwardly pats your back.

《Time skip》
You both got married and had a child Soviet Union( who else?). You couldn't be more happy, this is like, your dream come true. Although R.E is (very) busy with his work, he still try to help baby sit that (annoying) little Soviet.

Dear readers, I hoped you enjoyed this part. And to me, R.E seems very OOC.

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