A/n, pls read-

379 10 20

Readers, please understand:
I'm running out of ideas and I just came back online after months. I need you all to cast a vote in the comments.
Should I:
1. Continue Countryhumans?
2. Do Cells at Work?
3. Do Demon slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba?
4. Continue Hetalia?
5. Other Anime suggestions?

Lemme know pls, thank you for your support and 12.2k reads! It's the best I can ask for.

Well I have my own issues and life besides writing stories, so thank you for understanding. With that, I end this book here, until I can be motivated to write again.

Yours sincerely,

WW1/WW2 Countryhumans x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now