Australia x reader

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Thank you Aussie_bogan4life for requesting, I didn't update for awhile again. Sorry :( I might not be able to write the Australian properly, so I'm not adding it in. Sorry:(
No war content here.
Favourite colour > (f/c)
Eye colour > (e/c)
Hair colour > (h/c)
Hair length > (h/l)
Skin colour/ tone > (s/t)

You put on your best (f/c) dress and untied your hair, you decided to let it down and curl it. You looked into the mirror again before tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Let's just say you are getting ready for a party hosted by USA, he was going to introduce you to someone so you tried to look your best. You then heard your doorbell ring, you walked out of your room and opened the door, you saw a hyper Ame behind it. "(Y/n)! Are you ready!?" You nodded and covered your ears, Ame is sometimes or always loud, you'd probably be deaf soon. You went to grab your purse and phone before heading out, not without locking your door. He lead you to his car he conveniently parked outside the driveway, you got in the passenger seat and buckled your seat belt and he drove off. You fidgeted with the hem of your dress, you were nervous about his person Ame was gonna introduce, he told you it was one of his brothers but he never specifically said who so you had no expectations or whatsoever. You've met Canada and he was like a close friend to you, he finds it that way too, he found you abit annoying as you persisted on shipping him with Ukraine(my otp...). You only thought(remember: thought) that he only had one sibling, you wondered who could it be.
《Time skip》
Ame pulled into his driveway, you got your purse and exited his car, he didn't lock his door, you could even hear the loud noises. Well, what do you expect? Isn't this normal at parties? As soon as you laid your hand on the knob, the door flew open revealing Japan, Ame must've told her you were coming. "(Y/N)!!! You're here! You look Kawaii!!!" She yelled out, moving away to let you enter, some countries turned to look at you. You could see the irritated face of Germany, South Korea probably waving to you and Japan, North Korea scoffed, France smiled at you. Ame appeared at the front door, he slammed the door shut and walked through the crowds. This man, he's gonna get noise complaints tomorrow morning or so, anyways he appeared with who you could tell it was Australia. "So Aussie, this is (y/n)." Ame gestured to you, the moment you looked up, you two locked eyes. It felt like time slowly stopped, you could only concentrate on the country in front of you. It took you awhile to realise that you were staring at him for too long, you blushed and looked down, you don't know why but you felt tears welling up your eyes, you took a hand to wipe them away. You felt another hand came into contact with yours, Australia used his thumb to wipe your somewhat tears away, you face heat up from his action. You could probably make out that Ame was smirking behind you two. "I knew you would get along together!" Ame put his hands on his hip, Australia turned, "shut up USA!" His expression softened as he stared back at you.
Australia's Pov(it accidently got me writing Austria💀):
Ame dragged me across the floor, he told me I was gonna meet someone new. I don't know why but he had to cut my conversation, how rude! But as soon as I laid my eyes on the girl USA gestured to me, it felt like time had stopped moving. I could hear my heart pounding inside my rib cage, I could feel my face heat up, I only stare ahead and into the girl's beautiful (e/c) eyes, I did not mind the couple of stares I was getting nor could I care about USA smirking behind us. She looks perfect, her (h/l) (h/c) hair, how her (s/t) skin somehow shimmered and glowed when the light touches it. She suddenly looked onto the ground and away from me, she probably felt embarrassed as her face heated up and she sniffed, she brought one hand up and wiped her tears with it, I didn't know and thought what I was doing and went to grab her soft, delicate hand, I lowered her hand and used my thumb to wipe away her tears. I don't know if she noticed but I think I felt I had a tint of red dusted on my face, it was embarrassing.
No one's Pov:
Ame left to probably annoy Russia, leaving you and Australia near the front door, it was not even near midnight but there are already drunk idiots(no offence countries). "Alright! Who is ready for some games! If you don't wanna participate, sit away from the living room. Rest of you join in!!!" Ame shouted, everyone's eyes and attention were on him, some countries already begun to move, you liked playing and it was getting boring so why not join in the fun? It took awhile for the countries to settle down, some making their final decisions. "Alright y'all, first game is truth or dare. One last chance, you don't like, sit out." Some countries got up and left, you were surprised that even Australia himself joined in, or was it Ame that forced him? Either way you were glad, you don't know what you see in him but it felt like you've known him forever.
《Time skip》
"(Y/n)." Ame spoke up, catching your attention, "it's your turn. Truth or dare?" Ame asked, a sly smirk on his face, well you've been kinda bored for waiting and you picked dare, well you need some action in life yeah?
You choose ur own dare, most unique or smth interesting I will pick, I would only pick the best two. Srry if I didn't pick urs. And srry for procrastinating on this.

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