Russia x reader

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Thank you Sinox_Official for requesting. Russia, cough, ur female. And I'll make a part two for the lemon, lemme make a backstory first.
And since I like writing this in WW1, Russia will be R.E. since R.E. is quite easier than present day Russia where you have bombs here and there in the Ukraine war and I don't want to offend Putin even if he can't read this.

R.E, tsar of Russia. You, duchess of St. Petersbrug. Binded together as friends, or maybe more. There wasn't a day where your mind wouldn't be filled with... him. As the tsar, R.E. has better things to do, but he'd drop off by your place(idk what it's called) or maybe like a small gift or note. You've grown to like... no, love this man, he, the great Russian Empire, ruling over all of Russia, a rich asf boi. But, now that you about it, he's a tsar and you... are just a mere duchess, it's like you knowing that he'll never love you back the same way you did...
He's a tsar, in the middle of war, holding his head high, his army armed with weapons, ready to defend this mighty country, and a person who has no time for... feelings.
I mean, you have your duties and he has his, and this is war period. He has a frickin big ass country to defend, he needs to command, he needs to defend, he needs to plan, he needs to right the wring, he needs to do what's best for this country, he needs to prevent a downfall from happening to his country. We already have enough on Austria-Hungary invading Serbia we don't need more problems but Prussia won't stop, we need to counter them(sorry Germans, it's ww1). You two stayed connect to each other, like you were bound to be fallin' in love with each other, but R.E. never seem to reciprocate to those feelings. Like he's denying them, like he's ignoring them, like... he doesn't care about them... but that'll mean those were contradicting the fact that he drops by your place to talk to you, so just what is his answer?! You want to... no, you NEED to find out his answer.
But one day... that stopped. He never came over anymore, he never responded to your letters. You let this slide and figured that he probably went to war, but, you're wrong. It's the last thing you wanted hear, it's the last thing you wanted to see... it's the last thing you wanted it to happen...
No, it can't be right...?

"Have you heard? The tsar is getting married!" A villager yelled. The others had gasps or surprised faces. Awhh... how sweet. But you, did you feel the opposite? Have you just lost R.E. to some random woman you don't know?Sure, he may have like over 3 concubines, but can't you be the only one he loves? Can't you be the only one he needs? Couldn't you be the only one he wants? Weren't you enough? Weren't you his everything? Hasn't he said that he loves you? Does he not feel the same? Does he never felt the love and tingly feeling? Has he fell for you? You feel so hurt, you feel your mind going crazy. But, you will do anything right? You would even kill to be with him right? Oh, how you wished to be in his arms, his calm vibe he gives off, his warmth, anything. So... why did he choose a woman that wasn't you? Were you unlucky? Or does he never like you? Did he even care about you? Were you on his mind? Who knows? Life is unfair, and so is yours(no offense).
This is very betrayal like, what have you done to deserve this? Weren't you his friend?
R.E. was walking past with his wife-to-be, the villagers cheered and congratulate them. Funny fact is, she looks like a blonde wannabe, broke piece of garbage, is she even royalty? She looks like an American highschooler-
R.E. can literally just whoo any female and you'll be after him sooner or later. And if you're broke asf and need money, that tsar is the right person you should have.
But, let's be honest, you want to kill her and stop the marriage no? Just imagine stabbing her and getting away with it since you look so angelic and non-sus. It wouldn't hurt to do that right? It's for what rightfully belongs to you right?
You do want R.E. no? You want that Russian guy to be yours no?
He was meant to be with you no?
Would it kill that woman to not marry R.E?
Would it hurt to see R.E. gone?
Would it hurt R.E. that she died?
No. No. No.
Listen, I don't care how yandere you get as long as I can get entertainment from this I'm.happy and so are you. Please, go wild and leave what you want to do in the comments.
I know my stories are getting shorter but I'll try to write more next time. I'm speed running all my late requests so I can do more. Peace.
So... I'll do the most funny and interesting ones, according to me(if u want ur idea on my story), what I find funny is like you slapping and/or using violence in the funny way. And what I find interesting is... if you attempt crime related stuff like murder. I know I sound like a psychopath but no, I just like funny wattpad stories that are blöödy. And this is for entertainment purposes, don't come after me if ur friends or family found out abt this. Ok?

WW1/WW2 Countryhumans x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now