United Kingdom x reader

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Thank you JELLYBEE788 for requesting! Uhm you said any? So I wrote Uk. Addition: Hanahaki > I am trying? It might be all OOC but am trying new writing styles too. Correct me if it's wrong.
Uk > male
You > female > works a tea shop
Uk brothers are included. Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Uk and England if I'm correct? If that I would put Uk, England, Wales and Scotland.
Best friend name > (bf/n)
UK national flower > Rose, Thistle, Daffodil and Shamrock right? Am putting rose cuz I lazy-_-

Ah, another day of working the tea shop around the rows of shops in London. There were many regular and new faces coming in, you can say that your friend's business is booming. Your other friends also came to help in the kitchen, waving and biding goodbyes to familiar faces, one of the regulars were the UK brothers. They are Uk, England, Scotland and Wales, they would usually sit at the table at the corner of the shop where there is a perfect view of the sea. They walked in the shop and were of course greeted by you. UK (kissed) your hand causing you to blush, the UK brothers smirked at this. "Good day for watching the waves of the ocean, yes?" You asked them pretending that nothing happened as you led them to their favourite reserved spot, you could feel the females looking at you with jealousy, but anyways, pen and paper in hand ready to take their orders, yes usually they would ask for a cup of tea. "A cup of Earl grey I suppose?" You asked, giving your cheery and happy smile like you always do to every customer you met. "You know very well, (y/n)." England replied. Yeah UK brothers? They are really nice people, and not to mention popular too, almost every girl you see will talk about how hot they look when either of them walks by. You gotta admit you are one of those too, but you only like UK. The others? You see them as a friend, they also know your secrets and one of them is your crush on UK. But you always have this feeling, wel- "hey guys! Hi (y/n), it's been so long!" France walked up to you five and gave you a tight, long hug. So as I was saying, you have this feeling of UK liking France, like I mean the way he looks at her. Sometimes you wonder, what does France have that you don't, not to be rude to your friend but really, what are you missing. You quickly wrote down their orders and walked back to the kitchen. Oh, your friend coincidentally walked out of her office and up to you. Oh dear, she is gonna bug you again, at least she is helpful sometimes. You two started talking about your life while you prepared the stuff to make the tea."You should confess if you really like him girl!" (Bf/n) said, nugding your shoulder. "I know! But I think he likes someone else!" You replied while concentrating on carefully making the tea so you don't burn yourself. Yes, your friend you are talking to right now is the boss of this tea shop and she gives "good" advice. "You really think he likes someone else? I mean, look at the way he treats you. He really is into you so go get him!" "Yeah yeah whatever." You replied before putting all the cups of tea (with the pot thingy) on a tray to serve the UK brothers.
《The next day》
Your friend gave you a break for once after working your shifts there for gods knows how long. Your throat felt dry, meh no big deal right? You suddenly felt like throwing up so you ran to the toilet, not bothering to shut the door.
《Time skip》
Wow, your lungs hurt so much. You saw blood and some rose flower petals in the toilet. There were also blood stains on your shirt, damn and blood is hard to clean off. Hm, where have you seen this... you swore you had read about this before. Right... you have Hanahaki, well basically a disease(and I am too lazy to explain. Don't mind my for slacking).
《One week later...》
Your lungs hurt increasingly over the last seven days. The more you don't confess to UK, you think it looks like France took it as an opportunity to get UK and it just breaks your heart more and more. You were working and one UK brother walked in again. "Hello- woah (y/n) are you okay?" England asked, you shook your head. "Well what can I get you?" Your voice cracked in the middle, England just stared at you like 'wtf are you sure'. "Anyways UK told me to get you so... follow me."
《Time skip》
You arrived at the UK brothers house which they all share, you guys walked into the living room. "Well hey (y/n), I got something to tell you." UK said, Scotland, Wales and England don't look too happy, they looked more of... sorry. France popped from nowhere, she twiddled with her fingers. "Well... we are getting married! Can you believe it!" Your eyes bulged as you choked on the blood and petals, screw what they think or the blood, what did you just hear? "(Y/n)! Why is there blood and... flowers! Do you have hanahaki?" Wait... flowers? You look on the ground to see full fledged roses accompanied by crimson blood. "Who is it?" UK asked, England, Wales and Scotland couldn't help themselves and laughed although at this type of situation they are extremely worried about your life.
Do you...
1. Wanna tell UK? France and UK won't get married.
2. Don't tell UK and let France marry him but...
[Edited part]
Sorry for not posting lately, I've been busy. Apologies, I didn't change the story but I edited the options.

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