Prussia x reader

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Thank you vinderq for requesting!!!
Prussia x reader
You > I didn't get a specific gender so I will write reader as female.
Prussia > also no specific gender so male.
Boyfriend name > (bf/n)

You were in the garden playing with your, well child. Second Reich was about 7-9 years old and he came across a Cornflower that grew singlely from the rest of the other Cornflowers. His small fingers gently caresssed it carefully and admired it. Prussia sat down beside you and chuckled at the sight and went up to Second Reich. Well yes you are married to Prussia and had a kid with him. How did this happen? Well...
"Prussia! Catch this!" You threw the soft ball at him but he dogded it in time. "Dang! Prussia how'd you keep dogding it?" Prussia chuckled as you looked around and the ball hit you straight on the face, luckily it was soft otherwise you would've died. "Are you okay (y/n)?" Prussia asked as he extended a hand for you to grab onto for support. You pouted as you crossed your arms, yep you were in Prussia's house's garden, yeah First Reich(is it? Or was it Old Prussia?) allowed you to play with Prussia and yup, here you were, having fun with your best friend. You both were having fun when, "(y/n)! Let's go home!" You 'tsked' as it wasn't even sunset yet, but you at least get to spend time with Prussia everyday due to the fact that your mother works as a maid here and was allowed to go home early because she had you to take care of. Good thing that your mother taught you to be greatful at least, you looked back and bid Prussia goodbye.
《Time skip》
Over the years, the time you and Prussia spent gradually grew shorter. The time kept decreasing till one day... "(y/n), my fatger said soon I will leave for the army, I don't think I would see you again so..." Prussia pulled out a flower(actually how did it not crumble). Not just any flower, but a Cornflower, Prussia broke part of the stem and put the flower in your hair. You gave him a smile, well a not too happy one but, "well goodbyes aren't forever right Prussia?" You asked, hugging him while the wind blows your hair as you two lay on the grass staring at the night sky. "Maybe, we'll see... promise you won't leave me?" Prussia replied, he tucked a strain of your hair behind your ear, he leaned in closed and kissed you passionately on your lips and which you kissed back. You two parted for air, soon as dawn comes he will leave but you might see him again right? "Promise! I won't leave you!" You replied, hoping that he will come back soon...
《The next day》
Early in the morning you rushed out of your house and dashed to Prussia's, hoping he hasn't left yet. Once you arrived, you saw Prussia all ready, clad in his uniform with a cross in the middle of the collar area? you jumped and tackled Prussia, luckily he caught his own balance and managed to steady himself. "(Y/n), didn't know you would be here, well I bid you farewell then, I must get going. No matter where you are, I will still be with you okay? Ich liebe dich." You waved to Prussia as his figure slowly became smaller and gradually disappears in the horizon.
《Few years later》
You and your mother moved out of your hometown village and into the city. You just finished your first semester of the year in school. After who knows how long since Prussia left, you conpletely forgotten about him, you have ups and downs in your new relationship, let's say it is going nowhere. It got worse day by day until...
"You useless piece of sh*t!" (Bf/n) yelled at you as he continuously beat you. You looked messed up and frail from being... constantly bullied and beaten up. (Bf/n) left you on the ground as you heard the mean girls laughed at you. "See? I told you to stay away from him, his is what you get for not listening b*tch!" They laughed before walking away, leaving you to bleed on the ground. You just want this to end, you remembered how you still spend your time together with Prussia, you shouldn't have broke his promise, now you feel worthless.
《Few years later...》
You finally finished high school and got out of that horrible torture. You recently got hired at cafe and also rented an apartment since you can't really afford a huge house, yeah so you were walking along the streets when you entered a village so you went to check it out. You continuously walked around when you came to realise it was your hometown. You came across the same big house that you and Prussia would hang out in the garden, you wouldn't be surprised if there was anyone in the house as the lights were on, it wouldn't hurt anyone if you knock on the door right? Yup that's what you did, the door opened to reveal Prussia standing there himself. "(Y/n)? Is that you?" You nervously fiddled with your fingers, Prussia hugged you in delight. "I missed you, I just found out you moved to the city. How is life there?" You shook your head, yes your school life wasn't good, yes you missed your old life, you wanted to be with him, you wanted Prussia.
《Time skip》
You hot tears ran down your face as you told Prussia about your sob life story. Prussia patted your back as you cried into his uniform. Prussia wiped away your tears, well he has a confession to make. "(Y/n), I knew from the start when we met, I loved you. You were the light to my life, you lit up my world and I vowed to be with you together. Will you marry me?" Prussia took out a blue velvet box and opened it, a ring was nicely placed. You covered your mouth and said yes, it was probably your best day. Yes you broke his promise, your sin is too great, yet he still forgive you and married you.

And that readers, was how Second Reich/Kaiserreich/Reichtangle was borned :) thank you for reading!!!
Published: 21.5.23

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