Imperial Japan x reader

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Imperial Japan > I.J. > male
You > female > work as I.J's assistant
Note: Since it is wayyy back, I.J. as I probably know is the emperor. But he is also head in the Imperial army? I might be wrong about the Japanese history so pls correct me. And while I watch those Jap drama things the rooms looked almost empty except for some pillow things, a tea table and a lamp like that's it. Correct me if wrong again. Plus I love sliding doors. I don't know the specific name for each room(if there is) so I will just call it like how you call the rooms in your house. And btw are Japanese palaces like those idk, temples or whatever but empty? I'm just curious.

"Just one more paper!(do they have papers?)" You told yourself. Working is hard, but working as the right hand man(tf)for the I.J. is harder. He is your ahem... husband. Well, things are working out between you two, there wouldn't really be any fights and so on... well you were completing the workload you were given when you suddenly feel light-headed and nauseous. You covered your mouth and ran to the toilet, you found yourself puking a lot. Wth is going on today? You thought as you walked back, you could call in sick but it only happened during work hours and it seems a little... weird? Yeah you could probably I.J. that you are sick and get a few days off.
《Time skip》
You finally... made it to I.J's office, having manners(since he is the sorta the boss or so), you knocked on the door before you were granted permission to enter. Ow... and how much your stomach hurts too. You clenched your stomach with one hand and opened the door with another and entered. "はい?Do you need anyth-... (y/n)?!" I.J. asked, he was concerned about your... state. "Is it alright if I go home?" You covered your mouth cuz you feel like puking again, I.J. gestured to the door and gave you permission to go home, he suggested that you see a doctor.
You got home and went to the toilet and shut the door behind you. You took out a box that you hid behind some boxes of toothpaste just incase... something like this happens.
《Time skip》
You held the stick in your hands with wide eyes. No f*cking way, you don't have time to be pregnant. You have work, even tho I.J. already has a job and he is your husband heh... the other problem was, how are you gonna tell him this. Like, you can't carry a baby while working at same time, that's just harder but you can sort this out right? You just gotta wait for I.J. to come back. You paced around the room thinking on how you were gonna explain it to him. Welp, one thing to do?
《Imagine the people have phones okay? Ik it is way back but...》
You: I.J?
I.J: What?
You: are you coming home now?
I.J: Hai, wait why?
You: Nothing.
You put your phone on the coffee table, you stared at the stick you were holding. You hoped it wasn't a dream, yes you always wanted one, but you don't know how I.J. feels. He might not accept it and it just breaks your heart for you to think that. You heard the sound of keys clinking(you still gotta lock the doors)and the door slides open(uh those door in traditional Japanese houses), you sweat dropped as you slowly turned your head to I.J. who stared at you with his white(what else tho) eyes. "Why did you text me?" I.J. asked bluntly, he crossed his arms and raised one of his brows. There's no way of hiding anything from I.J, looks like you don't have a choice. You picked up the stick from the coffee table and handed it to I.J. and he examined it(still have to?). "Yeah... I'm pregnant..." you told him, he eyed you and carressed your cheek, you don't know why but a tear ran down your face and I.J. used his thumb to wipe it. Well, seems like you're in luck. Least he didn't leave you, but about the 9 torturous months... um you two can resolve this right? Maybe take 9 months off from work or maybe quit? No that is a high paying job so quitting is not an option... yeah we CAN sort this OUT, maybe...

Sup readers, I am gonna leave this story like that so... yep. I am doing requests so this book is still in the process of updates.
Published: 20.5.23

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