Third Reich x reader

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Alright readers, I would write part one. Yeah... it would be long...
Imperial Japan > I.J.
Fascist Italy > F.I.
2nd Best friend name > (bf/n)

Fine, fine, FINE. You gotta have to trust this idio- uh, ... Third Reich. "I am gonna ask again, do you work for Soviet Union? Don't make me repeat it." Third Reich said sternly, you gulped. "... well..."
Knock knock* "(y/n) can you get the door?" Your moher asked you, you and your family had recently bought a new house in Moscow. It was nothing different there because you were born in Soviet Union(Russia). You opened the door and there stood Soviet Union himself and a few soldiers, yes you knew who he was, your elementary school friend. "Ah (y/n), it's nice to meet you again. Well I am here for you, I am gonna ask you to work for me." Your smile turned into a shocked expression, the f*ck, work for him?! "Wh-why?" You asked, he was your friend! He wouldn't do this right? Right? Thankfully, your parents couldn't hear the conversation. "You don't have a choice anyways, it's either you work for me, or you see your family drop dead on the ground." Your eyes widened, not your family! Not that, you need them. "Fine, I will, but on one condition! You spare my family and I will work for you!" Soviet Union chuckled and exited your home. "Don't be late tomorrow, uniform is on the table!" Soviet shouted, loud enough for you to hear it, you closed the door and there was a bag on the table, sure enough, the uniform was there with a... Soviet pin? Oh it must be for the uniform you thought. The next day, you woke up early at 4a.m. and did your y'know morning routine. You left the house and arrived at the office, Soviet Union has been asming you to check up on Berlin discreetly and then one day, he told you to sneak into Third Reich's office to grab their plans.
《End of flashback》
"And then that's how I am here now." You finished off your sentence, Third Reich nodded, then the door opened and I.J. came running inside. "Sir! Soviet Union is saying that if we don't let her go we will go to war!" Third Reich chuckled evilly, okay maybe Soviet was right. he was crazy(sorry). "Don't worry, send all our forces, let him try." "Hai." I.J. walked out of the room and the silence returns to the room. It felt really awkward, you having to sit here infront of your enemy and now you are sharing personal information? Wow, welp at least Soviet Union is gonna attempt to save you since he is gonna send some troops over. But Third Reich sounds like a nice guy, why do Soviets and N@zis hate each other. Like, why start World War when we can have World peace. A place where all of us don't need to fight.
《Time skip》
A few days had gone by, at least you were given food by I.J. and you were cooperating pretty well until...  "Signore! Soviet Union is here!" F.I. shouted, Third Reich got up from his table. "What! That is earlier than I expected!" Third Reich screamed, throwing the pens in the progress. Third Reich storms angrily down to the first floor. What the heck, okay nvm who cares tho-
《Time skip》
You heard the door open and there he was with Soviet Union. Soviet Union looked at you. Third Reich got suspicious of that, wtf are you guys doing staring at each other. "Ahem, I will be taking her now. Пока-Пока!" Soviet Union pulled you by the back of the collar and dragged you along the way, as much as you want to leave this hella place Third Reich seems to attract you. What is this feeling? Is this what they call love? No! You can't have thoughts of that! You mentally facepalm yourself. "Тебе повезло, что я спас тебя. We are going to talk first thing we get back!" Soviet Union said to you, "да да, я знаю." You replied back, Soviet Union sounded annoyed having to come all the way here just to get you.
《Back in Moscow, Russia》
"I told you not to get caught!" Soviet Union screamed, everyone including you seemed pretty shaken up. Your eyes felt watering as your tears threathen to spill, this is it. Your time is up, you and your family is gonna die. "Lock her up!" Soviet Union ordered. Your 2nd best friend mumbled a sorry to you, you just hope your family would still be alive. "Hey (bf/n), can you tell my family to run away to another country for me?" Your 2md best friend nodded and exited once he/she chained you to the chair. You exhaled and sighed, this might be your very last time with your family, not until...
"こんにちわ?" You heard a Japanese voice from the window, it turns out that I.J. is here and that Third Reich heard what happen and sent her here to save you. Looks like you are still gonna live for sometime but anyways doesn't matter now. I.J. shattered the window and quickly untied you, you heard footsteps of the Soviets. "Jump out of the window, quick!" I.J. yelled, you hesitated, it looked pretty high. Then, without warning I.J. carried you and flunk you out of the window before jumping out herself, you landed on a pair of hands wrapped around you before jumping in the van and driving off(ofc you are not being kidnapped). "Signore, what do we do now?" F.I. said while keeping an eye on the road, while Third Reich was giving the directions, you were having a chat wih I.J. and you were enjoying it. "But really I.J, why'd you throw me out of the window?" Your eyes narrowed at her but she looked at you blankly. Yes she has a reason. But must she tell you why? "Lemme ask you this. Would you have jumped out if I told you to?" You paused. True, you wouldn't have jumped out even if she told you to. "Exactly." She said and looked out of the window. You stared out of the window as your hand came in contact with it. If not for Third Reich, you would've been dead, but you are alive now. Only one thing concerns, it is not about how you die, or when you die. What about your family? Siblings? Friends? Will you ever meet them again?
To be continued...
Published: 15 May 2023
Thank you for 2k reads! This is a big milestone for me. I also hope it can be achieved in my other books. I have never gotten this many reads considering that I joined Wattpad last year. Thank you for all your support. I am done with my tests too so I would be posting now and then.

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