Ussr x reader

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Thank you hjuoowou560_kaya for requesting!
Reader is female.
Enjoy the story!

You sniffed as you sat at the doorway. You couldn't even think of one reason for your parents to kick you out...
"You useless, worthless BRAT!" Your father yelled at you. Just because you did nothing and got blamed on by your annoying little sister, doesn't mean that they have to believe the younger one right? You used to be their favourite angel, before your sister was born and replaced you. Your parents treated you like a maid, asking you to do this and that until your hands, feet and back are sore. But I mean, it's not like school is any better. Your sister is 1 year younger than you and they are very popular among the students. She would either post shit about you on social media or being the annoying type, she would tell bad stuff to her friends. The only person you met was Soviet Union. He became best friends with you. You two would hang out with each other since then, then he confessed to you which makes you his girlfriend, but one day, he told you he was going to leave to go to Moscow, Russia to help his father. Years later you had move to Russia and studied there. You never seen Soviet Union since then and was getting pretty much lonely in school.
[End of flashback]

You cried into you arm as you did not know what to do now. It was snowing and you don't have anywhere to go considering the fact that you don't have any money on you right now. Sure sure, your sister apparently has a crush on the certain russian and wanted him all to herself. Ironic right? She looks like a "pretty" girl high school type except worse, her face looked like as if she drenched herself in makeup and there was no way Soviet Union would even like her. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here in Russia?" You heard a familiar voice, it was from none other than the Soviet Union himself. Well, you tackled Soviet Union into a hug as you cried in his chest(depends on how tall you are). He brought you to his house. The fact that tou literally brought nothing caused you and Soviet Union some trouble, that means you would have go out to buy stuff. You're lucky Soviet Union is your boyfriend, you might try and get a job? Who knows, you are old enough and you sorta have experience. So you're set for life.
《Time skip to years later...》
You both are married now and currently, you and Soviet Union are shopping for I dunno? Groceries... you were checking stuff off the list when you saw... your parents and sister. Uh... who would've thought that she would look uglier than the last time you met her. "Soviet Union~" your sister said, trying (really?) to make herself sound (sexy) and (lure) Soviet Union( you do know he literally wants to puke right?). You just glared daggers at her while she just brushed you off. Even your parents tried to defend your sister saying that she deserves Soviet Union more than you. What would you do?
1. Punch her in the motherfucking face and defend yourself
2. Set their car on fire

How did you readers enjoy the story. I try to make it less cringy but instead it's the opposite. Part 2 coming soon...
I don't have any ideas so... I ended the story early.

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