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If Angel had a puppy she would kick it. That's a lie. She would not kick it, but she would want to. That Austin Post is a real dick. Who the hell does he think he is? She is full of shit? Well, that's just bullshit. He is as superficial as all the assholes in the world that judge her. She has no one to blame but herself though - she looks and acts like a right mess. She kicks the piles of clothing out of her way as she walks to her kitchen. She should get a housekeeper - just has not been a priority.

"Shit! Fuck!"

"Hello, Charlie. I have had a shit day, how about you?"

"Shit! Fuck!"

"That bad, huh?" Angel asks opening her macaw's cage and taking him out. He hops off her hand and walks around her kitchen counter. "Don't shit on my counter," she warns him as she opens her fridge looking for food. There's nothing but a selection of soda. She really needs to get that housekeeper.

"Shit! Fuck!"

"Yeah, buddy a hot shower and bed sounds good to me too," she says closing her fridge and picking Charlie up. She trudges up to her room and places him on her bed then takes a shower, washing the shit off her face and getting rid of the shit a night at a club brings. She had gone to Jona's office straight from the club and was still a little drunk when she encountered that big ass asshole. His words in the car sobered her up pretty quickly. She changes into sweats and climbs into bed, it's only mid-day but she will wallow in self-pity till Lia comes banging on her door tomorrow for whatever appearance she has. She thinks it's a talk show. She watches a couple of movies and orders food from three different places but when it starts getting dark outside her house suddenly feels a little too big and she can hear weird sounds coming from different rooms. She turns up her TV and with Charlie shouting, "Shit! Fuck!" you would think she would not be able to hear the noises but she hears them still.

By 4 am she is losing her mind and has barricaded herself in her room. She is going to go insane. She hears the sound of tires crunching up her driveway. How she hears it with her TV turned up to full - she has no fucking idea but she is so wired. Should she call the police? What the fuck would she say to them? I heard a car - no. She has hidden all this from her parents so she can't call them. She gets out of bed but then jumps back in and ducks under the covers when she sees a man in her back garden through her bedroom window. A beam of light coming through her window from the garden. This is it, she's going to die. She waits for him to launch himself through the window but nothing happens. She can't do this she needs to leave. She will dash to her garage and lock herself in her car and zoom off. She will save her own life - Charlies too.

She pushes the cabinet away from the door and grabs Charlie. "Shit! Fuck!" Charlie screeches. "I know, I don't feel like being crazy now either, but shut your fucking trap. I am saving your life. If I was a stalker I would kill your annoying bitch ass first," she says then opens her door carefully and peeps out, listening carefully. It's quiet so she tiptoes downstairs and scans her entryway. Nothing. So good, so far. She creeps into the kitchen, opens her key cabinet quietly and slowly making sure to scan the kitchen really carefully then chooses a set of keys and lifts them off their hook just as slowly, making sure to keep her eyes and ears open for any murderous stalkers. She turns and steps out of the kitchen toward the garage door. She has gotten this far - she is doing great.

"What are you doing?"

Angel screams, spinning around and throwing her car keys as hard as she can at the owner of the voice. Charlie flaps his wings like the insane bird he is and she loses her grip on him as he flies around the kitchen eventually landing on the kitchen counter. "Austin! You scared me nearly half to fucking death!" Angel shouts clutching her chest and flopping into a kitchen chair. Austin watches her with that stupid judgmental face of his.

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