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Austin searches the bushes and the garden, checking the wall and the ground around where footprints had been left. Swearing at himself. His mind had been crowded with Angel when he should have been concentrating on the sounds and surroundings outside. He goes back to the bush where he had seen the hooded man and looks up. He had a clear direct view into Austin's room, into his bed - he would have seen Angel on top of Austin, and he would have seen him kissing her. Last night Austin had been so focused on Angel that he had forgotten to draw his curtains - this is a huge problem. He has never been so thoughtless.

He searches the garden under his bedroom window and finds a rock. Cheating whore - is written on it. This is bad. They have upset any balance that hooded man had, it's no longer a case of if he gets her but when and Austin has a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach that the hooded man is now so deranged he will become chaotic with his need to get her - Austin has caused this and he swears at himself again. He has caused the death and destruction of many men and their families, he tries to live with that every day but, he knows as his chest rattles that any harm he brings to Angel is something he can never live with. She has hired him to keep her safe - but he has now placed her in more danger than she has ever been in. Fucking idiot.

"This is bad," Mathew says taking the rock from him and looking it over. "Get hold of a security company. Put electric fencing on top of the wall," Austin says turning and walking to the front of the house. "Sir, if I may..." Mathew says.


"All this security will slow him down but it won't stop him."

"And what do propose? We hunt him down?"


"I like you, Finch. We need to send, miss Knite off first and then we will plan."

"Oh...I don't think that will happen any time soon."

Austin stops and looks at Mathew. Mathew stops too, putting his hands up and backing away a few inches. "I am just saying she is so attached to you. We may need to work around her not going," Mathew says. "If we start a war with this guy I don't want Miss Knite anywhere near it," Austin says. "Well...just hear me out...what if we use her as bait?" Mathew says. "Take a few more steps back, Finch, best you have a head start when I chase you down and murder you for saying shit like that," Austin growls, his blood boiling. Mathew takes a few more steps back, his hands still up in submission. "Just think about it. We will be there, we will be in control. She will be safe," he says. Austin glares at him. He is a fucking idiot. He would never place Angel in danger even if it's a well-orcastraisted plan. There must be another way.

He turns and continues walking into the house. As he goes through the front door he sees Angel jump up from the bottom of her stairs and come running at him. He tucks his gun into his waistband at the small of his back just in time to catch her as she launches herself at him. "Is he dead? Did you get him?" she sniffles into his neck as she clings tightly to his body - she is shaking so much it rattles his chest. "No, hush now," he says softly. Mathew walks past and raises his brows at him before he disappears. He is right - they need to hunt the hooded man down before he gets to Angel. "Come, I need to talk to you," Austin says pulling her off him and leading her to the kitchen. He sits her down in a chair and makes her a cup of coffee then sits down on the chair next to her. She ignores the coffee and practically climbs on him.

"I need you to go, just for a little while so-"


"Miss Knite. Your stalker is deranged, what he saw this morning has pushed him over the edge and I need you to-"


"Just hear me out," he starts again but she cuts him off with a shake of her head as she leans forward and connects their lips. Austin tries to pull away, he really does, but she clouds his mind. "Please don't make me go. I don't want to be away from you," she begs as she pulls back slightly. She is so intense, so open. Where most people will hold back their feelings or even their actions - Angel throws caution to the wind and says it like it is without holding back. "I am trying to keep you safe," he tries to reason with her. "You keep me safe here, with you. Besides, I can't just disappear I have fans, shows, and appearances, I have a tour starting soon and music to write and produce. I can't leave even if I wanted to," she says. Austin shakes his head. "None of that matters now, your safety is a top priority," he says. "No. I won't do that to my fans and my music is my top priority. I am not leaving. You have to find another way," she says defiantly.

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