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"What happened to...are those real?" Angel's mom asks as they step onto the patio. "They are real. Trust me," Angel says running her hands down Austins eight pack before he has a chance to push her hands away from him. "Uh...I have a question," her mom raises her hand. "You in the front row, ask your question but keep it PG there are kids around," Angel says pointing to James the butler. "May we eat dinner off that eight-pack," her mother asks. Austin does not hear Angel's answer as he retreats into the house, he is tired, wet, and annoyed. It's been a long fucking day. He had lost Angel in that forest - she had completely disappeared on him and he had not liked the panic that had punched him in the gut as he had searched for her and then the sudden rush of relief when he heard her giggle. It had been so soft that he would have missed it if he had not been concentrating so hard on every tiny sound. He is in trouble when it comes to Angel, big trouble. The only other person he has cared so deeply for is Phoebe.

His eyes roll back in his head when Andria's name pops up on his phone. The woman is a pain in his ass. He had only gone to her because he was ordered to, she knows that, but she is acting like his visits to her mean something - they both know the military is done with him and now for the first time in his life he thinks he might just be done with them. His focus has shifted. He sighs when she rings again.


"Austin. You missed our meeting again. This is the second time in a row."

"I said I will phone you when I am ready."

"Austin, the military won't wait forever. You need to come and see me."

Austin leans on the wall and rests his head back then frowns when he sees the roof has been painted - a giant painting of Angel's parents in a very compromising position. What the fuck is up with this family?  Fucking hell. He rips his eyes away from the monstrosity then regrets it when they land on a statue of Angel's father holding a bowl full of condoms. What fucking room had he landed up in? Shit. He looks around and sees he is in their fucking dining room.

"Austin are you listening to me?"

"Andria. I am working."

"Austin, we need to talk about that day. Your views on what happened are skewed. It's not healthy and-"

"Skewed? People died, Andria. They died because of me, because of the decisions I made. Tell me that's not true."

"Yes, people died and you were forced to make some very hard decisions but-"

Austin cuts the call, he is not talking to her anymore about that day. She can't change what happened that day any more than he can. The choices he made that day had stolen men's lives and ripped families apart and for those that had survived - his decisions had left their lives in tatters.

"I had heard you had lost your head...but, I didn't know how badly," Brice says walking into the dining room. Austin looks up from his phone and stares Brice down. Brice is a fool.

"Austin-" Brice starts but cuts himself short when Austin turns around and starts walking out of the room.

"I have a daughter," Brice says. Austin freezes in the doorway, his back to Brice. "My girlfriend found out the day after I was deployed that she was pregnant. My deployment was for ten months, she was born while I was away."

"Your family is none of my concern."

"I had been counting down the days till I could meet her and a week before I was due home I was picked to be part of that team, along with my brother."

"I do not care."

"That day...all I could think about was that I was never going to meet her."

Austin swings around, grabs Brice by the chest, lifts him, and slams him against the wall clenching his jaw as he scowls at Brice. "She has a father, because of you, she has a father," Brice says quickly. "And your brother?" Austin asks. Brice's face falls. "That's what I thought. I killed him - focus on that," Austin says then feels Angel's soft hands snake around his biceps suddenly. He can't deal with her craziness right now so he does not know why relief winds its way up his spine. She tugs on his arm gently and so Austin releases Brice and lets him drop to the floor. "Come," she says softly, taking his hand and leading him away. She walks him through the kitchen and out a back door then walks with him quietly to the bottom of the garden.

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