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"Austin, are you awake?"


"Are you lying to me?"


"My gut says you are awake."


"I can't."

Angel feels him roll over her again and that sense of comfort warms her chest as he pushes her into the mattress. "A man can't take a piss without you whining," he mumbles. "What time is it?" she asks.

"6:47 am."

"So 7-ish?"

"Too early for your shit, miss Knite. Sleep."

"I want to visit my parents for the weekend."

She feels Austin sift slightly and then she hears Charlie squark as he knocks him off his hip. "Take your bird with you," he mumbles. "I..." Angel stars but cuts herself off when she feels a cry tighten her chest. She is still trying to take in the events of yesterday. It was insane and Austin had been right all along - she should have listened to him and taken what he said seriously. She only got into trouble yesterday because she had been stupid. A man also died and even though he had attempted to hurt her she feels bad - he was someone's child once, and it hurts her heart. She feels Austin shift and then he rolls her onto her back and looks down at her.

"Why the tears?" he asks softly. "Yesterday keeps playing in my mind. He died. That's just..." her words trail off. "He was not a good man. The world is better off without him and so are you. He was trying to hurt you," Austin says.

"I know, but still...and now..."

"Now what?"

"Well, now it's done. There's no longer a threat or a stalker so you will go. I will never sleep again. I don't want you to go home and I don't want you to quit and I don't want you to go away. I want you to kiss me, I want you to do more than kiss me. I want you to stay here with me. I want you to stay here and I want to stay in your bed."

"Miss Knite I don't think this over. I think there is more to this."

"Yes! There is lots of danger. Everyone is trying to kill me. You must stay."


"Yes. I suspect everyone. They're all out to get me, if you go I will die soon and it will be a slow painful death."

"I think you are exaggerating."

"Not at all. I am of logical thought and I have been suspicious of everyone. You need to stay."

"Ok, I will humor you. Why do you think everyone is trying to kill you? Narrow it down to dates, times, people, and incidents."

"Ok. Well, let's start with Jona. On March 27th at 11:01 he started losing his hair and a bald patch developed, I kiss that bald patch. I think he has poisoned that baled patch and slowly over time the poison will enter my body and kill me."

"Don't kiss his bald patch then. Who else?"

"Nate. On February the 10th at 14:37 he swerved dangerously in the road causing me to bump my head on my backrest. He said there was a cat in the road. But there was no feline predator. He was just trying to kill me."

"That sounds very serious."

"It is. My parents too. They're always hugging me and they squeeze too tight, I think they are trying to break my back discreetly. I hear my mother say she wants to eat me all the time, she says it's because she loves me so much but I think she just wants to kill me...and eat me."

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