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Austin crawls silently through the rafters and then drops down into a bedroom through a hole in the ceiling. He checks the window, it's nailed shut. He checks the door, it's locked. So he picks the lock and peeps out into a long passage. He stops and listens carefully. He can hear talking but it's muffled by the walls, it's coming from downstairs. He leaves the room and walks down the passage, checking the doors as he passes them, they are all locked. He pushes open the door at the end of the passage and scans the room. It's the main bedroom. The bedsheets are covered in vomit and there is a chain lying on the floor next to the bed. Angel was chained but she must have convinced Tiffany to unchain her. Clever girl. The bathroom door is busted open and when he looks inside he can see it's a mess. Pills scattered on the floor, a pregnancy test box in the dustbin, and plastic shaving in the bath next to a razor.

Had Angel managed to lock herself in here and make a shank? If ever there was a reason to marry a girl - that would do it. He picks up the pregnancy box and inspects it. It's odd, but he can't find a reason for it other than it being a house belonging to a psychotic woman. Angel probably pissed on it while she was locked in here to pass the time if he knows her well enough. He looks for the used test, but he can't find it. Does Tiffany suspect she is pregnant? After what she let that man do to her on Angel's bed he would not be surprised.

He leaves the room and walks down the passage to the top of the stairs then walks down the stairs carefully, mapping the house as he goes. When he gets to the end of the stairs he peeps his head around the corner.

Got ya.

Angel is sitting at the table with the dead man while Tiffany is making her food. She got Tiffany to bring her downstairs - more options for escape routes. Clever girl. He watches as Angel stands slowly then creeps up behind Tiffany. Careful baby. He watches Tiffany turn around then Angel kisses her. Anger and jealousy grab hold of him immaturity and he wants Tiffany dead, but a smile plays on his lips when he watches Tiffany melt and drop the knife. Angel raises her hand and drives what he suspects is her shank into Tiffany's neck. Clever girl. When Tiffany screams and Angel pushes her away, Austin readies himself to catch Angel as she runs out of the kitchen toward him. But then she turns and dashes down a side door. Fuck!

Tiffany wobbles on unsteady legs, grabbing a kitchen cloth and holding it to her bloody neck then heads to the door Angel had disappeared through. She cries through it and he can hear Angel shouting back at Tiffany through it although he battles to hear what she says. Tiffany who is weak from the blood loss slumps down on the floor and cries softly into her hand while the kitchen towel turns red with her blood. She is bleeding out painfully and slowly - Austin will leave her to suffer. Then suddenly out of nowhere, Tiffany gets a boost of energy and attacks the door, screaming and clawing at it. The woman is fucked in the head. She slumps down again then uses all remaining energy to stand again and walks slowly toward Austin.

He slips behind a curtain in the dining room and then watches as Tiffany walks around the dining room slowly, eventually kneeling and pushing her face against the floorboards. He could kill her now, but Angel's terrified face has him not wanting to cause a scuffle or let off any loud sounds. Besides, Tiffany is bleeding out and she fucking deserves her death to be painfully slow. She whispers something between a crack in the floorboards. Austin strains to hear as she is so soft with her speech. Tiffany stands and then walks slowly up the stairs. Austin doubts very much that she is retreating and suspects there must be a key to the door Angel disappeared down there. He waits until she has disappeared down the passage then walks quietly to the door Angel had hidden behind.

The door has claw marks and blood on it,  broken fingernails too. Tiffany is unhinged and he needs to get Angel out fast. He picks at the lock and gets the door open then jams it closed with a piece of wood. Even if Tiffany has a second key she will have a bitch of a time opening it. He walks down the stairs slowly so as not to freak Angel out with sudden heavy footsteps. It's pitch black down here and he battles to see what's in front of him. When he gets to the bottom of the stairs he stays still and listens carefully.

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