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"Do another background check on Lia," Austin says to Mathew as he watches Angel speaking on the stage in front of thousands of people. "We have done two already," Mathew answers. "Do another, dig deeper. We are missing something," Austin says. "Come on. Lia? Really? That girl is like a shaking poodle and I don't think she could-"

"I did not ask for your opinion, Finch."

Mathew shakes his head but agrees. He would never have gone against Austin's instruction. He is right, Lia is not a very clever woman, she is good at putting appointments in a calendar and getting Angel to them but that is all the talent she has. She is also skittish and one look from Austin has her pissing her pants. Unless it's all just an act. Her background check came up clean, the woman's guilty pleasure is a good book and a hot chocolate at the coffee shop next to her one-bedroom apartment. But, Austin has a feeling about her - something is off. Angel's stalker always seemed to be one step ahead of her except when he slipped out with her to the florist and his house - Lia was not around to know that. How did she find out Angel was not at home? Austin can't shake the feeling that something is off.

He readies himself as Angel gets to the end of her speech, stilling the shiver up his spine when her first act is to look for Austin then makes a beeline for him as he stands in the shadows off to the side of the stage. He can still feel her on his lips and he has been fighting it all morning. She almost got him, he almost was not able to right his head. He wanted to capture her lips with his, spread her out on that large bed, and map her body with his fingers. But, it would have been his downfall - he is only just hanging on to his sanity when it comes to Angel. He needs to lock his bedroom door - he intends to this evening. He needs to keep her away from him. Far away. What he should do is resign - Mathew is fully capable of running this operation.

"Can we talk now?"

"Miss Knite, you have a signing."

"I know, but I want to talk to...oh you look fantastic! Are you me?!" Angel asks walking off to a little girl who looks like a mini version of her. Austin's head spins as to how easily side-tracked Angel is. It's a concern - all that stalker has to do is hold something shiny up that catches her eye and she will follow him. He needs to have a serious talk with her.

"Austin! Can you take a picture of us?" Angel says holding out a phone to him. The kid and her mother look at him nervously, the kid is either taking a shit or trying to stop herself from crying. "No," he says. Angel frowns at him and moves the phone away from Lia when she reaches for it. "No. Austin will take it," Angel says holding her angry stare on Austin. He shakes his head and walks off. Maybe her annoyance will make her keep her distance from him. He does not go too far, but far enough for Angel to back off and give the phone to Lia. She takes a photo of Angel with the girl and her mother then as they walk away Angel stamps toward him - an angry baby goat. "That was mean," she says. "I am a bodyguard, not a photographer," he answers. "No, you are just a big dick," she says then turns on her heel and stamps off with Lia running behind her.

He hears Mathew chuckling behind him and when he turns Mathew steps out of the shadows and grins at him. He likes Mathew but he is too cocky for his own good. "The sexual tension between the two of you is insane and-" Austin cuts him off and he grabs the front of his shirt and slams him against the wall, lifting his feet off the floor. "I am not your buddy. Watch your fucking mouth," he growls pushing his face into Mathews. "Hey, man...relax, relax," Mathew tries to calm him. Austin glares at him then steps back, letting go of him and ignoring the dent in the wall Mathew's back made, and walks off.

He stands off to the side as Angel sits down at a table as a long line of people trudge past her slowly getting her signature, a photo, and a little chat. Angel laughs and chats happily, making sure to give every person that comes up to her her full attention. Austin checks the line and groans internally - it's long and there are hundreds of people. They will be here for hours.

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