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"Why do you have a watermelon farm?" Austin asks as he walks into Angel's bedroom. "I just let you cum on my ass and that's the thought that runs through your mind as you shower?" Angel asks with a raised eyebrow. She is so brazen, so unapologetic with the brash words she uses. Austin frowns at her making sure to show his disapproval of her nasty mouth. She rolls her eyes and stuffs a clump of material Austin is guessing is a shirt into her already overflowing messy bag. "I like watermelon so I bought a watermelon farm," she says shrugging and balling up a pair of pants and then trying very hard to shove them in the side of the bag, it's too full so she eventually gives up and leaves half of the pants just hanging out. "Bullshit. Now, if you had said that yesterday morning I would have agreed, but after what I saw in that meeting...I call bullshit,"  Austin says pushing her aside gently and then dumping the contents of her bag out on the bed. Everything is in a crumpled ball. She is a fucking mess of a woman so he starts to fold and repack her bag neatly. "Make sure to fold them carefully. I am very particular about not getting my shit creased," Angel says. "No need for your smart mouth, miss Knite. Answer my question...truthfully," Austin warns her.

Angel sighs and flops on the bed. "Watermelon is a zaid crop as it can be quickly grown and the special thing about watermelon cultivation is that it can be produced with less water and fertilizer at a minimum cost than most fruits. When it comes to watermelon farming, it is very profitable and there is an increasing demand for them. People love the fuck out of watermelons. I triple my profits with each harvest and then I import them which doubles my triple profit, and because I slap my name on it? well, then I make bank."

"Low cost, high profit."

"Exactly, and watermelons are cute and I like them aaaaand...I am starting a cosmetics range using my watermelons - lip balm, face masks, hair masks...everything."

"You will double the bank you are already making."

"Triple it actually, also - did you know the 3rd of August is watermelon day?"

"Why do you hide your cleverness?"

"Odd way to call someone stupid."

"You are very tiring to hold a conversation with. Just answer my question."

"I don't. I am just me - if you see it as hiding my brain then so be it. Me?  Well, I am just me and I don't try to be anything I am not or anything in particular so...I guess I am a little of everything. Does that make sense? Oh look, this is shiny," Angel says reaching under the bed and pulling out a discarded earring that had sparkled when it caught the sun.

"Don't get distracted and No, it does not make sense."

Austin places the last shirt carefully in her bag then zips it up and looks at her. She is an anomaly, she is hard to take seriously but, even harder not to take seriously. It's almost like there are two people wrapped up inside that insane little mind of hers.

"You are loud, over top, silly, forgetful, you say shit out loud that should never leave your head. You are never on time and you never take anything seriously. You are independent but needy. Outspoken but submissive - you are all over the place with emotions."

"I am a fucking mess! Do you know where the other earring is?"

"I researched you. You have never hidden that you were born into a rich family but, you took nothing from them when you started your career-"

"Except for my mother's good looks and my dad's kickass attitude...I bet the other earring is in my closet."

"You played on street corners and talked your way into music producers' offices. You forced people to listen to your music. You didn't stop until someone took you seriously. You kill yourself on stage, put on an elite show - your smallest venue is a stadium. You have huge profitable businesses, properties, and restaurants."

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