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Angel rolls her eyes when her mother's stylist and hair lady walk into her room with Austin close behind them. They both look frazzled and Angel knows it's because Austin has pulled apart their lives for the last twenty minutes, he probably knows their blood type and who their first kiss was. He is ridiculous - it's fucking fantastic, she loves an eccentric man. The women say nothing while they set up and Austin makes himself comfortable on the bed with a stack of papers and his laptop. He is going to comb through everyone's history and there will be hell to pay if your name is not on that guest list - you won't get in or you will die.

She had heard the slam of a body against a wall as she had walked into her parent's house that afternoon. Austin had Brice up against the wall with one hand while his feet dangled helplessly off the floor - Brice is bigger than Austin, much bigger, and Austin was holding him up effortlessly with just one arm - it was both sexy as fuck and terrifying. She had only heard Austin insist that he had killed Brice's brother which makes no sense given how starry-eyed Brice is around Austin. She was desperate to have him vomit out every word about whatever the fuck happened but by the crazy look in Austin's eye, Angel knew he had enough for one day.

She may look stupid - but she is not.

She had no idea what the fuck she was supposed to do so she did what she always does - whatever comes naturally. She never over thinks, sometimes it leads to a fuck up and sometimes it leads to success. She had not known what to say, but she could see his brain exploding in his head and she could tell he did not want to talk so she made up a bullshit game - it worked. Austin's brain died, just for a second and that's all he needed.

He is wrong about there still being a threat, she thinks he is using this imaginary threat to keep his mind off the real issue - himself. She could just hop on the internet or threaten Brice and Phoebe for information but she thinks there is a reason Austin is holding out on her - he does not trust her yet, she wants him to open up and tell him so she will wait. Where the fuck this streak of patience has been hiding all her life - fuck knows.

There is a knock on her front door again while she is in the middle of being fluffed. Austin stands and shoots the woman a warning look before he stalks out. "Fuck!" her mother's stylist breathes out once the door is closed. "I have never wanted to cry and fuck a man at the same time as much as I have wanted to cry and fuck that man," the hair lady says almost fucking up Angel's lipstick up. "Your bodyguard could do things to me that I would never let any man do," the stylist says. Angel's eye twitches and she gives them a death stare. "You both better shut the fuck up," Angel warns. They giggle and pacify her with candy floss - they have always kept candy floss in their bag for her since she was a kid. "Besides, he would not touch either of your dusty old asses," Angel grumbles while she shoves candy floss into her mouth, fucking her lipstick up so the hair lady has to fix it up.

"Relax, we won't touch your new toy," the stylist says helping her into her shoes. Her fingers are all sticky now from the candy floss so she wipes them on her dress. "Damit, Angel," the stylist groans. "That's what you get for looking at shit that you have no business looking at," Angel snips. "Oh! You have a problem on your hands," the hair lady says. "Yup," the stylist agrees laughing then packing up. "And what problem is that?" Angel asks, her annoyance rising. "You know what problem, don't play coy now," the stylist says as they open the bedroom door and shove off.

Angel does not have a problem. What the fuck are they talking about? Austin is just a fucking man. She is obsessed with him right now but she has a naturally obsessive personality and her obsession with him will fade in time. She grabs her phone and then storms downstairs.

She can hear Austin talking in the dining room so she walks over and peeps in. He is talking to Brice, she does not know what they are talking about because her eyes are trained on Austin.

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