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Austin stares at a spot on the ceiling. What is happening? The position he is in currently is very unprofessional. Angel is curled into his side, her face shooshed into his skin and her head buried under his armpit, her leg bent over his and her arm curled over his stomach all while her stupid bird is perched asleep on her hip. She moves around constantly in her sleep but has remained glued to him. He hates being touched, even his exes were limited by how much he let them touch him. No hugs or little touches and definitely no cuddling in bed. The woman had a fucking nightmare and his first reaction was to pull her over his chest and comfort her is foreign behavior for him, yet it had been instinct. He had then let her climb all over him throughout the night as she slept. But, her touching his is not what has his brain racing - it's the fact that he does not mind. Normally it would have him irritated, angered him even, but he is neither. Rather, he finds himself with a sense of peace - content, and he can't understand why.

She does not cuddle like other women do,  everything she does it's too much and too intense. Most women creep onto his side, managing a few seconds of contact before she pushes them away, but Angel plasters herself, literally attaches herself, to him and he does not want to push her away. But, he should. She groans and kicks her legs then sits up and clampers over him, flopping down and plastering herself to his chest with her head tucked under his chin and her legs curled on either side of his hips as her hands curl around his head, her fingers lacing into his short hair. He keeps his arms away from her, splaying them out on the bed. Her bird and fallen off her as she had moved and Austin watches as the still half-asleep bird walks slowly up his legs and then perches on her ass and snuggles back to sleep.

She groans again then sits up, now in a straddle, and looks down at him with a sleepy pouting face. "It's like sleeping on a bag of rocks, you need to get yourself some cuddle fat," she says then yawns dramatically and kneads his abs as if she can get them to soften then she lies back down and pushes her face under his chin again. She lies there for a few more minutes then huffs and just as her bird makes it back to his perch on her ass, she sits up again and looks at him with annoyance. She gets off him and burrows into his side forcing him to roll slightly as she practically tries to get under him, it is uncomfortable, but he does not move away. Fuck knows why. "No, this is worse," she whines then clampers over him again and tries to knead him for a soft spot as she frowns. "I need to sleep and you are like cuddling with a rigid Barbie doll, relax your body," she moans. "Cuddle with your bird," he says, but she ignores him as she continues to poke him in an attempt to find a soft spot. She won't find one. He needs to sleep too so he grabs her and pushes her off him. "No," she grumbles and tries to climb back on him. "Stop that," he says flipping her onto her front and then laying half on top of her like a weighted blanket and pushing her into the mattress. She kicks her legs but he catches them with his and holds them down as she laces their finger and tucks her hands under her chin while she lets him engulf her body with his. She stays still after that and he feels her breathing shallow as she falls asleep.

He feels her bird walking up his leg and then perch on his hip, settling down to sleep. He lifts his head slightly and looks at it. "Stay there and you will find your feathers plucked," he warns it. The bird cocks its head then hops off and walks to a spot near her head then settles down and closes its eyes. Austin closes his eyes and tries to pretend that this is not the first time in years that his back has not remained twisted with the strain of his day.

He wakes hours later with the sun peeping through his curtains and it takes him a few seconds to register where he is. Angel is still under him, pressed into the mattress and she is dead asleep. She is truly an odd woman, captivating, but odd. His body goes rigid when he realizes he is hard, painfully hard. He rolls off her, thankful that Angel is so dead asleep that she would not have felt him. What was he thinking? He was out of line, it's completely inappropriate and unprofessional. He needs to hire more bodyguards and he will find a pretty one that will take her attention away from him. He has a plan and he is not pleased at the thought of her derailing them. He slips his hand under the covers to adjust himself then hisses at how painful and sensitive he is. His body clearly does not appreciate being pressed up against Angel's ass all night.

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