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Angel feels sick. At first, this whole stalker thing had felt stupid to her, just a silly man with some big emotions but now with a steady flow of letters and that encounter at the show and him being in her house, and now he even knows where her studio is - it's built up and a simple slamming of a door will have her jumping up and shaking. Austin's explosion in the studio parking had scared her - he is not someone you want to be on the bad side of, but he makes her feel better knowing he is taking this personally - he is the only person she trusts. She had stayed quiet all the way home, even when he had Nate stop for ice cream. She had not wanted ice cream but had accepted and eaten the stupid vanilla bowl he had gotten her - it was a sweet gesture on his part to try and make her feel better. Now she is back home and fiddling with the cameras that point out her bedroom windows.

"Stop that and get down from there," Austin says walking into her bedroom. "I was just looking," she says still balancing on the window ledge. "You have eyes, no need to climb up shit and fiddle," Austin says coming closer and standing below her. "I am a touch person," she says bending her knees and trying to judge the distance between the window and her bed. "What are you doing now?" he asks. "I am going to jump from this window onto my bed," she says then bends her legs and launches herself off the windowsill. She misjudged, this was a mistake, she is going down. But, before she hits the floor she feels Austin's hands on her as he catches her and pulls her up into a standing position. "Is it too much to ask for one moment of normality, miss Knite?" he asks. What is normal? Angel shrugs, but does not move out of his arms then pouts when he lets her go. "Suppose so," he says turning to leave, she does not want him to leave even if he is just going to stalk around her house.

"Don't go. Just sit with me. I will be still and I will even put a movie on," she pleads with him. "I am going to pack. I will return in the morning," he says as he walks out of her room. Pack? Return in the morning? "Shit! Fuck!" Charlie shouts from her bed. "Shit, fuck, indeed, Charlie," she says grabbing him and running off into Austin's room. He has his bag open on his bed and is placing his clothing very neatly into the bag.

"What are you doing?!"


"Now fucking way!" she shouts running to stand in front of his bag and blocking it with her hands spread out. "You can't leave me here all alone! What if he comes here? You are not going anywhere!" she shouts. Austin stops folding his shirt from a hanger and gives her a pointed look. "You have a new gate, lasers on all the windows, and security cameras throughout the house. Finch will stand guard till midnight and then Curry will take over till I get back in the morning. This will be the setup from now on. You are safe," Austin says then pushes her aside gently as he places his shirt in his bag. "No! I don't want armleg to cuddle me to sleep!" she says. Austin whips his head to look at her, that pisses him off - she can see it in his eyes. "You will not be having any interactions with Finch. Do I make myself clear? None," he says.

"I...I will run a mock. I will torment him and then I will disappear, sneak off to nightclubs, and get plastered. You will spend the whole night driving around looking for me...hopefully, he won't find me first," Angel says. Austin sighs and takes his suit out of the closet and starts folding it neatly. "There is no need to throw a tantrum. You are safe with the men I have chosen and the security measures I have taken," he says. "Fine," she says picking up Charlie and walking out of the room ignoring Austin as he looks at her suspiciously - he should, it is not fine. She has no intention of giving in so easily. She walks back to her room and into her closet, rummaging around for a very special piece of clothing. When she finds it she wriggles into it then stands in front of the mirror and smiles at herself - she will win this.

"I am leaving now," Austin calls from her room. "Just a sec! I will be right out!" she calls pulling the zips up on her thigh-high boots and then walking out as if she is in a rush. "Ok, bye, see you tomorrow," she says watching as Austin's lips part and a heavy frown sweeps onto his face. "What are you wearing?" he says. Angel looks down at the black lace and leather bodysuit that leaves nothing to the imagination.

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