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Angel's muscles are warm and soft after her shower. Those meet and greets always take a lot out of her. She does not even attempt to climb into her bed for two reasons - one, she does not want to and two, Austin is standing by her bedroom door waiting for her. He has not said anything to her, but he does not have to. She follows him into his room and climbs into his bed with Charlie while he locks his bedroom door then goes into his bathroom and takes a shower. Something happened tonight, she can see it on Austin's face and she knows he is not telling her because it's bad. She tries to swallow the lump in her throat but, she can't and so her tears come thick and heavy. She is scared and tired of this ever-coming pressure on her back - it's suffocating. This hooded man is stripping her slowly but surely. She watches as Austin comes out of the bathroom and tries to hide her tears from him, but they won't stop flowing, and he notices everything so it's no use really.

He climbs into bed, laying down and facing her. "Why the tears?" he asks, his voice soft. "I am scared...tired," she whispers back.

"I am here."

"That's the only reason I am not spinning out."

Austin's eyes search hers then she feels his hand move from under the blanket as he snakes it up to her cheek where he brushes her fresh tear away with his thumb. "Hush now," he whispers. He pushes up on his elbow and leans over her, she is expecting him to roll her onto her belly so he can engulf her with his heavy body - she can sleep no other way. But, he watches her, rakes his eyes over her face, and then slowly, carefully, cautiously, lowers his head and connects their lips. Her breath hitches and her body feels like jelly as her head spins.

Austin is intoxicating.

He opens his mouth slightly and catches her bottom lip in his, oh, he wants more? He runs his tongue over her lip so she opens her mouth feeling the slide of his tongue enticing her own gently. Is she breathing? She does not think she is breathing. He keeps his hand cupped to her cheek as he leans over her, her hand tangled in the sheets to stop herself from floating off. It's strange, she has always been the dominant in a kiss, taking charge and pulling out what she wants while the other submits. It's just her personality, she knows what she wants. But, here, right now, Austin is in charge and it makes her toes tingle. She had expected him to be a rough kisser and she is sure when the moment calls for it he is, but right now he is soft, delicate - it's all consuming and the world drops away as Angel gets lost in his mouth and the roughness of his beard on her skin. She really is not breathing given how her chest tightens with the desperate need for air, but it's ok, she will die happy.

After what feels like decades but, defiantly not enough time Austin pulls back, looking at her for a second before her rolls her onto her stomach then pushes her into the mattress and covers her with his body. He does not know it yet but he has opened a door - Angel is going to suck his face off at every opportunity. All the opportunities. "No," she hears him mumble above her. Can he read her mind? But, then she feels Charlie hop down from his hip and settle into the pillows near her head. With his heavy body on hers, she grows heavy and she feels herself slipping into a heavy dreamless sleep.

She blinks her eyes open as soon as she feels Austin rolling off her, his weight has become a sense of comfort - a sleeping pill. She lies by his side, still for once, her mind racing a little. How did she get here? How did they get here? It's been four days since she met him. It's a little crazy, her life is crazy, but this is bordering on insanity. But, she can't force herself to care - it just is what it is so she turns and faces him and sees he is lying on his back staring at the ceiling as he did yesterday with that same perplexed look on his face.

"What do you think about when you think?"

Austin stays quiet for a long time, she thinks he won't answer but, then she sees him swallow and clench his jaw. "I need to resign, Miss Kinte," he says eventually, still staring at that stupid spot.

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