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Austin walks over to the mangled car making sure to stay in Angel's line of sight as she sits in the back of an ambulance with Lia while the pandemics check her and Lia over. Angel is so shaken up that if she had to lose sight of Austin she would freak out. "Yeah, the guy is dead," he hears a police officer say. He leans into the car and sees for himself that the guy is very much dead. It's definitely the hooded guy from the florist - same hoodie and even dead, he looks crazy. "Austin...your reputation speaks for itself and so that's why I am going to let you explain before we start arresting people. What the fuck happened here?" the police captain asks. "Mind if we do it at my client's house? She is pretty shaken up and I want to get her home," he says. The police captain looks back at Angel and then nods. "Fine. We are drawing a crowd anyway. We will follow you home," he says. Austin gives him a sharp nod then turns back to the medic looking over the hooded man. "You sure he is dead?" he asks. "Oh, he is deceased. There is no doubt about it," the medic says. "Has he got any ID on him?" Austin asks. "Austin, this is a police investigation now," the Captain says. "So ID him then," Austin says bending down and taking the hooded man's wallet from the medic.

He opens it and frowns as he insects his cards and driver's license. "Get his address and go to his house," he says handing the driver's license to Mathew. "Austin, seriously?" the Captain says with a sigh. "Send your cops with my man then. He was stalking my client, kidnapped her, and no doubt had plans to fuck her up. He was obsessed and you lazy bastards did fucking nothing even though I sent all the shit through to your department daily," Austin says walking past the Captain, slamming the dead man's wallet on his chest. "So yes - seriously," he says then walks over to Angel. She reaches out to him as soon as he gets close enough. "She all good?" he asks the paramedic. "Yeah, she is good. Just a few superficial scratches and bruises," the paramedic says. They may be superficial but Austin finds his jaw clenching in anger - he would kill the hooded man again if he could.

"This one on the other hand is a little more banged up. She has a twisted wrist and a broken finger," the paramedic says pointing to Lia. Austin does not care. Lia whimpers and Angel turns to her, wrapping her in her arms and soothing her. "It's ok, Lia, you come stay with me for the night and I will look after you," Angel says. "No," Austin says shaking his head. "I am too scared to be alone, what if he comes back?" Lia says grabbing at Angel. "Not to make you feel bad, but her injuries are from you dumping her off your bike and the poor girl is terrified," Angel says. "That does not make me feel bad," Austin says pulling Angel gently out of the ambulance. "Let's go home," he says.

"What about me? Please, Angel!" Lia calls after them. "Austin, I can't just leave her. You were wrong about her - she was so scared and that hooded man...he...he..." she says then stops as her eyes fill with tears. He pulls her close to him, trying to comfort her. "Ok, calm down," he says softly. "Lia! Come!" he shouts over to her. Lia hops out of the ambulance and walks over to Jona's car who is fussing over Angel. "You drive," Jona says handing Austin the keys and then climbing into the back with Angel as Lia climbs up front. Lia avoids eye contact with him and acts like she is afraid of him - he would have left her in the car with the hooded man, the only reason he took her was because Angel was pushing Lia between them his only objective was to get Angel out and he could not give two shits about Lia, so she should be scared of him. He is still suspicious of Lia - why would she take Angel down to the car park without Austin? Something is off about her and Austin is not going to let it go.

Austin has a list of questions he wants Lia to answer starting with why she separated Angel from him but, she will not answer truthfully and he is a strategy-based man. If his suspicions about Lia are right all he needs to do is give her enough rope and she will hang herself. So as much as it pains him he refrains from laying into her - he will wait and strike when the time is right. The car is quiet but then Austin hears Lia speak and he has to hide his smirk. She proves his suspicions without even trying.

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