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"How long have you known Lia?" Austin asks as Angel climbs into his bed. "Years," she says moving closer to him. "I don't appreciate your vague time lines, Miss Knite. Days and months have names, clocks and years have numbers - there is a reason for that. Be more precise," he says frowning as she does not stop moving closer to him and then eventually settles on his lap in a straddle. "Well, why shoud I use those names of the week when they are not even the real names?" she asks sliding her hands around his skin.


"The days of the week - the names we use are not even their real names so why should I use them?"


"Our calendars and days of the weeks come from the Romans. Sunday is actually called the Day of the Sun. Monday is moon day. Tuesday - Tui's day. Wednesday - Woden's Day. Thursday - Thor's Day. Friday, I can't remember but Saturday is Saturn's day. So why should I say what day it is if we don't even use the right names?" Angel says, her face serious as she continues to slide her hands around his skin. He can feel his face pulling into a frown, a confused frown. "You confuse me," he says. "I confuse myself!" Angel says throwing her hands in the air and shaking her head as if she is disappointed with herself - this does not help Austin's confusion. What's wrong with her?

"You are not normal."

"I agree!" Angel says proudly and flashes him a smile then leans in and kisses him. This whole thing is insane. He should not be kissing her, but he can't help himself - she is intoxicating. He puts his hands on her shoulders and pushes her back gently. He needs to keep his head and it's very hard to do so when she is near him, let alone attached to his lips. He has managed to concentrate this afternoon as he worked this afternoon with Mathew. They combed through everyone's backgrounds again, he is convinced that someone on her team knows something. Someone she knows has a connection to the hooded man. He has his eye on Lia - there is just something that does not sit right with her. Austin has nothing on Lia except that she asks too many questions and seems a little too into Angel. He tried to explain that to Mathew and Jona who both looked at him like he was crazy. "That wee girl?  She doesn't have a callous bone in her body," Jona had defended her a little too quickly. But, Austin knows from experience - don't ignore your gut instinct. Lia knows something and he will dig until he finds something or nothing, but he will dig.

"None of that nonsense, miss Knite, can you at least try and be normal just long enough to answer my question?"

"Ok, but later," she says leaning forward in an attempt to kiss him again but Austin keeps his hands on her shoulders and holds her back shaking his head. "Ok, fine!  I met her three years ago. Funny story actually. I was driving in my car and Lia ran a stop sign by accident - smashed right into me!  I need a few stitches and she would not leave my side. She kept apologizing, followed me to the hospital, and then came to the house with flowers, and eventually, we became friends and she asked if she could be my assistant because she still felt so bad and the rest is history."

"Did you do any background checks on her?"

"Yes. Full background checks."

Austin raises his eyebrows - that's rather responsible for Angel. "Do you have any paperwork from those background checks still?" he asks. "Oh, they were all verbal," Angel says with a shrug. Austin frowns deeper. "Verbal?" he asks. "Yup," she says popping the p. "How?" Austin pushes. Angel groans and flops onto the bed. "Oh, Austin!  This is boring!" she says. "Just humor me. How did you do the background checks on her?" Austin says pulling her back onto his lap. "I asked her if she was an axe murderer and she said no," Angel says.


"That's it."

"That's it?  That is not a background check."

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