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Angel watches Austin walk off with Brice. Brice practically melted at his feet - what the fuck was that? The greatest man he knows? Who the fuck is Austin and what the fuck did he do? She turns to look at Phoebe but she is avoiding all eye contact with Angel. She knows Phoebe won't tell her anything, she's not stupid she knows her brother will gut her if she tells Angel. So Angel will have to dig - she will annoy Austin till he caves like a baby and spills. She also does not like that Austin is leaving her alone right now with these random people and the big burly security guard who is only half the size of Austin and not nearly as good-looking. It's fucked up.

"So, Angel, what's up?" her father asks. "Nothing, can't a girl just visit her parents?" Angel asks. "She can. But, this girl only visits when shit has gone down," her mother says. "Not true. I visited once when I thought I was pregnant," Angel counters. Both her parents stare blankly at her. Her parents are not stupid. Whenever she is in shit she goes home, they know it, she knows it and now Phoebe knows it. "Phoebs, stop stroking my mom's hair," Angel says. "Sorry," Phoebe mumbles.

"Angel..." his father is not going to let this go. The nosy bastard.

"I had a stalker."


"Austin disposed of him."

"Excuse me?" her father leans forward, worry streaking across his face. "I had a stalker once. I just gave him a shit load of drugs. Never saw him again. Would you like some gummy bears, Phoebs?" her mother asks digging in her knitting bag. Why the fuck does she have a knitting bag? "Thank you your majesty, but I shall have to pass on the gummy bears," Phoebe says in a snooty British accent. "Mom, stop offering my friends gummy bears, we have spoken about this before - it's weird. They think it's drugs and what's up with the knitting bag?" Angel asks tapping the bag with her foot. "It's to throw off the cops and my gummy bears are for medicinal purposes...I have a bad back," she defends herself.

"Bullshit," Angel and her dad say at the same time. Her mother rolls her eyes and sits back in her chair. "Angel. This stalker-" his dad starts again but Angel cuts him off.

"He is dead. Austin sorted it out. It's not a problem anymore."

"Well, if it's not a problem then why does your bodyguard look like he is about ready to give us all an internal exam?"

"Don't know if you noticed, Dad, but Austin is a tiny bit high-strung."

"And always right," Phoebe suddenly throws in. Angel and her dad turn to look at Phoebe. That was not helpful. "What do you mean?" her dad asks. "Austin still thinks there is a threat. But, there is not. He is just high-strung," Angel says. Her dad shakes his head and holds up his finger to get her to stop talking as he keeps his eyes on Phoebe. Angel's dad is usually super relaxed, nothing phases him - the man started a riot at one of his concerts when he attacked a security guard for fun - he never takes anything seriously. Except Angel - Angel he takes very seriously.

"Explain, Phoebe," he says. "Well, Austin has remarkable intuition. The intuition that has saved many people's lives in the past...he will never admit that though...but...if Austin says something is going on behind the scenes then we should listen," Phoebe explains. Angel's father stands throwing his chair back and then turns, stalking down to the guard house. Damit. "No drugs!" Angel says grabbing her mom's knitting bag and then running after her dad. "Dad! Dad!" she shouts but he just ignores her. Her mom's knitting bag weighs a fucking ton and is killing her arms by the time she gets down to the guard house. "What the fuck is in here?" she asks him.

"Seven bricks."

"Oh...oh sure that's normal...why dad?  Why the fuck are there seven bricks in here?"

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