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Austin stares at his mug. Angel is dimwitted but she cottons on quickly. She has picked up on his annoyances and is using them to poke at him. She is going to be a challenge, he always knew she would be. He stands and empties both coffee mugs, rinses them, and places them in the dishwasher then gathers the flowers and his book, walking off to Angle's room and knocking softly on her door.


"I am leaving now," he says then stands back as her door flies open. "I am coming with you! And if I see him I am going to gut him with this knife!" she says pulling a massive hunting knife out from behind her back. What the fuck is wrong with her? He takes the knife out of her hand and holds it up. "Really?" he asks with a bored tone and an annoyed look. "Yes, fucking really! If he tries to take me he will have to do so with that bitch sticking out of his stomach. Give it back!" she says trying to take it, but Austin holds it above his head.

"No knife and you stay in the car. I am only letting you come because you are completely insane and I don't trust you alone," he says turning and walking down the stairs with her rushing behind him. "What?! No! I am coming in with you!" she screeches. She would draw too much attention, she should know that. Austin unlocks the front door and Angel shoots past him straight to his car, trying to open the locked door. The woman is crazy and over the top. Austin takes his time closing and locking her front door then walking down the front steps slowly as he watches her trying to open the door that she now very well knows is locked. He watches carefully as she yanks the handle and then presses the unlock button in time for her yanking back. She squeaks in surprise as the door now flies open and she falls back on her ass.

"Calm the fuck down," he says walking past her to his door. Angel jumps up and dusts her ass off. "Not cool! You are a real dick!" she says climbing into the car. Austin rolls his eyes and places her hunting knife which really is more like a small sword on the floor behind her seat then starts his car and drives off toward the florist. Angel talks all the way, non-stop, and about pointless shit. She talks when she is nervous, which is easy to pick up on. She needs to learn to control that. She gives too much away without even realizing it. The last question in her interview was from her stalker, he's sure of it. Angel had started well but felt the need to talk about what she thought about her views on obsession. Under normal circumstances, it would be a perfectly acceptable answer, but now her stalker knows she thinks it's unhealthy and he will twist her words in his brain - she has given him gold.

He pulls up to the florist and looks in through the shop windows. It's a small shop, that's a good thing.

"What if he is watching us?"

"That is how stalkers work."

"Not helpful!"

"No point in sugar coating, Miss Knite. Stay put," Austin says climbing out and then sighing when her door opens and she climbs out. "I told you to stay put," he says. "I heard you," she says putting her hoody on over her head and tucking her braids and hair in then putting sunglasses on. She is still recognizable but the street is empty. Austin rolls his eyes and turns but stops when she slips her hand into his and gives her a pointed look. "What? It's all part of the disguise," she says. That makes no sense, she is clearly losing her dam mind. He shakes her hand out of his and frowns at her. Then turns and walks into the florist shop and up to the counter throwing the flowers on the counter. The lady behind the counter looks at him fearfully.

"C-can I h-help you?"

"I want to know who bought these flowers from you today?"

The lady frowns and looks at the flowers gingerly then back at Austin and shakes her head. "I am sorry, we sell a lot of those and I could not tell you even if I did know. It's a bit personal," she says. Austin has never hit a woman but he will beat it out of her. Where did that thought come from? He glares at her and leans intimidatingly over the counter as the woman squeaks and steps back.

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