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You sobbed in your room as you held your newborn daughter close to your chest, the news shattering your heart into pieces. You felt your world crash down as a different variety of questions played through your head on repeat.

Your boyfriend, Takashi, abandoned you and his child.

Asami, your daughter, was born two days ago without any contact from her Father. He said that he was going to be on a short business trip and that he will return today, but he never came back.

You had found his diary in his futon to see that he was planning on running away after he found out you were pregnant. He wasn't ready to be a Father and that his best solution was to run away as if it never happened.

You, a 23 year old, had been pressured with the responsibility of becoming a single parent. You felt nothing but anger and despair within. You were angry at yourself for falling for him and his schemes.

You wiped your tears away as you stared at your beautiful, tiny daughter within your grasp. She had smooth, S/C skin and had dark colored hair that was visible on her head.

You smiled at her, the sight of her made your heart warm up, as if she was a light in the dark, casting away the shadows. You thought for a moment before coming to a decision were you don't need a man to help you when you had the power to do it yourself.

You made a promise that day that you will protect Asami at all costs and to always put her first.

You placed Asami in her baby futon before tucking her in the blanket, which was a mixture of pink, blue and violet. There were teddies around her to support her and make her feel more comfortable. She snuggled into it as you lead beside her in your futon.

You soon fell asleep from exhaustion, mentally and physically.


1 month later

Asami had grown ever so slightly and had started to open her eyes. They were heterochromia. One eye was your color and the other was Takashi's eye color.

It's been hard at first, trying to raise a child on your own. You woke up every night from her crying, needing to sort her milk out and all the other stuff mothers do for their babies. Luckily overtime, you had gotten used to it.

You were currently getting ready for work since it's open every week days. You own a café that has been passed down through your family for decades, which is a reason why it's so popular. It's also popular because you never disappoint people with food and drinks.

You got changed into your favorite colored kimono before changing Asami into a violet kimono. You packed her baby bag, which required her baby supplies before placing her in the sling that carries her all day, which was strapped around your upper body.

You set off for work, which was only a few minutes away. You opened the café and began to turn on the lights and sort cakes out. You placed Asami's baby bag on the floor before getting ready for customers.

As always, a few people came in and sat on the tables required. For a café, it had quite a large surface area due to the amount of customers coming everyday.

You heard them gossip at how you carried a child around with you everywhere you go, meaning they were sympathetic towards you.

You have no family around, leaving only you and your daughter. Having a child has its challenges, but it something you would never regret doing, no matter the problems it comes with.

You took their orders before making them, which only took 3 minutes. You're used to the hard work and have improved tremendously on how long you take. You gave them their orders, earning a smile in gratitude from them.

The café door opened as a man with black hair and plum red eyes walked in. He was a common customer here. He sat down in the far corner of the café, where there was no light shining. He can always get to this café since the buildings around created shade for him to travel during the day.

You walked over to him with a smile,
" May I get your order, sir?"

His eyes widened in slight surprise once he saw the woman in front of him. His eyes travelled down to the baby she held in a sling, making him question were the Father was. He had to admit, you were beautiful. You looked like a goddess. A Queen.

He didn't expect to see such a beautiful woman work here, the last time he came was when her Mother ran the place.

He replied with a small smile,
" Herbal tea and a piece of red velvet cake, please,"

You nodded before walking back over to the kitchen, preparing his order. He was sat there in thought about how he couldn't fall for a human, they're weak and useless. Somehow, there was something about you that made him interested in who you were.

You brought his order over, earning a ' thank you ' from him. You nodded with a smile before continuing to run the café. He wanted to see you smile again. He loved it. You were a woman he could never find again.

You watched as Asami was beginning to get agitated since it was her dinner. You grabbed her bottle from your bag before thinking about what you would do. You can't feed a baby whilst working.

A woman noticed your distress and fed her for you. She knew just by looking that you were a single mother and it made her heart clench to see such a sight. You thanked her before taking more orders and making them.

You didn't notice the fact that Muzan stayed almost all day, until now.

As you were cleaning up, ready to close the café, you glanced at Asami, who was still in her sling before looking up to see the same customer she has seen all day. Muzan has been sat there for a while now, which concerned her.

You walked over to him,
" Are you okay, sir? You've been here for a while now,"

He just smiled at her with a nod,
" I'm fine, I was just wondering how you manage to work and look after a child, it must be exhausting,"

You chuckled at his statement before clearing and wiping his table down. You don't know why but you were quite fond of this man,
" It can be, but I've gotten used to it ever since Takashi le -"

You stopped yourself mid sentence since you were about to tell him what happened. No matter how hard it is to push away the heartbreak and betrayal, it was always there.

Muzan raised his eyebrow, wondering what you were going to say. He noticed your troubles and didn't like the sight. He preferred your smile and laugh.

He exclaimed,
" You're troubled by something, you're trying to push it away but it never works,"

You gave him a surprised look before nodding with a small chuckle. You've never met anyone who could read you like a book. You told him about how Takashi left you both the day Asami was born. He comforted you in a way that you never experienced before.

As he walked out the café, you didn't notice his piercing red eyes glowing from anger at a certain excuse of a Father. That night, he ordered two of his demons to hunt him down and slaughter him in the most gruesome way possible.

Heartbreak ( Muzan x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now