Chapter 8

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Y/n's POV

Somehow the thought of Muzan being gone cracked your heart like a sharp piece of glass. You came to the conclusion that you did love him, as much as you hate yourself for it.

You watched as a surprised expression formed on Kagaya's face as he clenched his hands into fists at the news. A relived sigh escaped his lips as he sent you a grateful look
" Thank you, Y/n, at least I know this world will soon be at peace,"

You nodded before thinking about Muzan and your feelings towards him. You couldn't help but feel guilty that you've fallen for someone who kills people for the fun of it.

Kagaya sighed, his smile still remaining,
" What's bothering you? "

You clenched your fists, hesitating to speak before replying,
" Please don't be mad, because I've tried my best to put them aside and move on, but it's impossible. I have feelings for Muzan Kibutsuji,"

He was silent for a moment before letting out a small chuckle,
" I expected this for a while now and don't worry, I'm not mad. You can't help but fall for someone, despite their backstory or who they are,"

You were surprised at the fact that he wasn't mad. You literally just told him you had feelings for the demon King, the main villain and demon in the demon slayer corps. Asami giggled as she played with her pink rattle in her grasp, not having a care in the world.

" Thank you, sir, for understanding,"

He nodded before pausing for a few seconds then asking,
" Can I ask you a few questions?"

" Yes, sir,"

" What do you plan on doing with these feelings of yours? Do you plan to confront to Muzan if you ever find him? How do you not know his true intent is to harm you and Asami?"

You blinked at the sudden questions before thinking for a moment. He clearly had a point. You knew that if you were to be with Muzan, you didn't know whether you would be in great hands or not. You wanted a better world for Asami to grow up in, not a world were man eating demons live in also.

You responded whilst glancing at Asami every few seconds,
" I already know Muzan wants me as his, since he told me face to face. I have a feeling that he already knows my feelings for him, which is why he finds this so amusing. I understand that I will most likely end up in a pit of despair ending up with him, but I want Asami to grow up in a happy place. I guess I'll know what fate has written for us in the future,"

He nodded with a small smile on his face, finding you somehow relatable. When he had kids, all he wanted was to raise them in an environment that made them happy and kept them safe.

The difference was that he had Amane to help and you were alone, which was why he felt empathy towards you.

He stated,
" You're very wise, Y/n, I have no right to control your actions. Do what you will, but please make sure that you're both safe,"

You thanked him before bowing in respect, since he was superior before exiting. You were lost in thought at what he said before building up the confidence to confront Muzan.

On the way out, you bumped into Obanai by accident. You apologised to him, causing him to scoff and roll his eyes. He would always find you hanging out with Mitsuri, making him jealous that it wasn't him.

You informed before walking away,
" You should tell Mitsuri your feelings for her, it might get you somewhere before it's to late,"

When you arrived at Mitsuri's estate, you grabbed a satchel before packing stuff like your witchcraft book, all your baby bottles and dummies for Asami. You then grabbed her backpack and packed all of her stuff before placing it on your back.

You wrote a note to Mitsuri, saying that you were leaving because you've found your true feelings towards the person you love and decided to go to him.

You packed your clothes, some of them are what Mitsuri gave you, before placing it over your shoulder with your satchel. You looked down at Asami in her sling, to see she was fast asleep.

That night, you walked into the woods, far away from the pillars before taking a rest against a tree. Misaki yawned quite loudly as she led on top of your head.

The bushes began to rattle as a demon stepped out, a hideous one. It had blue skin and 6 arms and legs, if that was possible. It was the same height has the stone pillar and had razor sharp teeth and claws.

Your eyes widened, you were in a vulnerable position. You haven't learnt a spell strong enough to hurt a demon that big yet, which worried you greatly. Misaki can't help either because once she's asleep, she doesn't wake up until she allows herself to do so.

You wrapped your arms around Asami in a protective manner as you closed your eyes, ready to feel immense pain, but you felt nothing.

You opened your eyes to see the demon was headless on the floor. Its blood surrounded him like a puddle as he slowly turned to ash.

Confused, you looked up to see Muzan glaring at him with pure hatred. You let out a sigh of relief, never feeling so happy to see him. He turned around and looked at you, glancing at all the bags you were carrying.

You placed all your bags on the floor before running over to him and hugging him tightly, still being careful of Asami. He wrapped his arms around you, returning the hug with a chuckle.

He pulled away from the hug before gently grabbing your chin and lifting it up to meet his gaze. His red eyes stared into your soul before he smashed his lips against yours, which you returned without hesitation.

After a few minutes, he pulled away with a smirk,
" I see you have fallen for me after all,"

Playfully, You rolled your eyes before Muzan offered you to stay at his hiding place, trusting that you wouldn't tell the demon slayer corp.
You accepted since you had no were else to go before two demons appeared behind you, bowing in fear and respect in front of Muzan.

They collected your bags for you as Muzan wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close. Before you knew it, you heard a Biwa and you were teleported into a place that you'll never forget.

Heartbreak ( Muzan x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now