Chapter 9

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Y/n's POV

You looked at the place you were in, it was mind blowing. It was an endless dimension off of wooden rooms, endless halls, and moving corridors. You looked around in awe as Asami shuffled in her sleep from the sudden movement.

Muzan ordered the two demons to place your bags in a specific room, which was next to his working space, since he wanted to keep you safe from any demons who have the guts to go against his orders.

Douma, upper moon 2, gave a curious glance from above at to why his master brought a human to the infinity castle, especially when she has a child sleeping in her arms. He could smell from afar at how delicious the human's blood and flesh would taste.

You noticed his gaze and began to feel uncomfortable from the sadistic grin he was giving you, not realising you gripped onto Muzan's arm, hiding behind him like a puppy.

You felt ashamed that you had spent so much time learning how to defend yourself, yet you don't have the power to defeat an upper rank. You could cause some damage but it's not enough to kill them permanently.

Muzan glared at Douma with pure bloodlust and hatred before ordering Nakime to transport you both to your room. She obliged within seconds, the scenery changed instantly.

It was a golden room with beautiful designed shoji doors. There were two, black futons led in the middle of the room with a closet in the far corner of the room. Beside this room was a bathroom which had a human sized bucket to pour hot water in.

Muzan informed as he helped you with your bags,
" This is were you'll be staying, it's beside my working space just in case you need me. You also don't need to worry about any demons attacking you, they'll be dealt with if they do so,"

You nodded before thanking him with a small smile. You opened the baby bag before laying down Asami's futon and her baby toys. You picked her up from out of her sling before placing her in her futon. She snuggled into the material instantly, making her look more adorable than she already is.

You stood up whilst looking down at her before you felt two muscular arms wrap their arms around you from behind. Muzan rested his chin on your shoulder, enjoying your body warmth.

You blushed heavily at the sudden action, finding his embrace comfortable. You turned around to face him with a small smile,
" Thank you, Muzan, for everything. You may be the demon king, but you do have a soft spot within you,"

He hummed in thought before pecking your lips,
" Only for those who I like. I didn't even think It was possible for me to fall in love, until I met you,"

A blush formed on your face as you looked at the floor in embarrassment. He chuckled at your reaction before kissing your cheek and letting you go.

He sighed heavily,
" I must go for a bit, I will be back to see you shortly. Upper moon 1, Kokushibo, will be your guide and guard if you need anything,"

At the mention of his name, the demon appeared in a flash, who was kneeling down in front of Muzan. The upper moon had very long, burgundy hair that was tied into a ponytail. He had a katana strapped to his waist and had 6 eyes.

You nodded before Muzan left at the speed of lightning, leaving you alone with Upper moon 1. Misaki stared at the demon in shock,
" Why is he kind of attractive? Or is that just me?"

You held in a laugh at her rhetorical question as Kokushibo stood up from bowing. He narrowed his eyes at you in a suspicious way, wanting to know why his master was so fond of you.

Awkwardly, you just stared the floor before glancing at him. You waved with a nervous smile, causing him to sigh and wonder how he got into this mess. You honestly felt the same way.

You decided to unpack all of yours and Asami's clothes before placing them in the closet. Whilst you do this, Kokushibo watched your every move, which you could sense in an uncomfortable manner.

Misaki pouted in annoyance at his staring,
" I get you have six eyes but that's no reason to stare a girl out! "

You silently chuckled at her remark as you finished. You checked the time to see that Asami would be waking up anytime now from hunger. You looked around before realising there was no heater or fire to warm up your bottles.

You asked nervously, picking up Asami's bottle,
" Do you perhaps have a place with a small fire pit? Need to warm something up,"

He nodded with a hum before you felt yourself being scooped up, leaving you led bridal style in his arms. Before you knew it, you were moving as fast as the wing, making you witness how fast a higher rank demon can travel.

Misaki whistled as she leant back against your neck,
" Suddenly I want to go to the kitchen very minute of the day,"

You rolled your eyes as he stopped to see you were in a kitchen like room, which was more than useful to make bottles and food. You placed in the milk before warming it up over the fire pit, needing a metal holder to place it there.

After a few minutes, you were happy with the temperature before heading back the same way. You arrived back in your room before picking Asami up, who was starting to cry, before feeding her.

She happily drank the milk before looking up at Kokushibo, to see him sat in the corner of the room, sharpening his katana. You felt bad that you were the reason why he was trapped in here, clearly not wanting to disobey his master.

You broke the silence, trying to get a conversation going,
" Tell me about yourself, Kokushibo, "

He just looked up at you with an emotionless expression before continuing to sharpen his katana, creating a scratchy metallic sound. He ignored you, not in the mood to talk to someone, especially a human.

In response, you pouted in defeat, not liking how you had just got ignored.

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