Chapter 1

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It's been a few days since you became friends with Muzan and he's been more than helpful. He would look after Asami in the café whilst you focused on customers, which is more than helpful.

He wouldn't come every day, which was understandable. You never knew what he was up to but you convinced yourself it wasn't any of your business.

Muzan hasn't come in two days and it began to worry you slightly. Asami was asleep in your sling as you gave customers their orders. You couldn't help but feel as if something bad was happening. This was the same feeling that overwhelmed you when the incident happened a few years ago.

You gulped nervously, thinking about the memory. You looked at the door to see a few people walked in together, they wore very vibrant things.

There was a girl with pink and mint green hair, she wore something that had her breasts almost completely revealed. You admired her body confidence.

There was another girl with black hair with purple tips. She wore a butterfly haori and had beautiful purple colored eyes.

There was a man with long, black, choppy hair and had a white snake around his neck. He wore a black and white striped haori and had bandages over half of his face.

There was another man with bright yellow and red hair, he never blinked and was quite taller than the others. His haori reminded you of fire from the shape and colors.

Lastly, there was a man with long black hair that was tied into a low ponytail. He wore a different colored haori that mismatched. He had beautiful ocean blue eyes.

They all sat on a large table in the corner of the café. You would be lying if you said you weren't interesting in who they were, you've never seen them around here before. You even noticed they carried katanas on their waist. You have eyes like a hawk, it was something you were born with.

You walked over to them with a smile,
" May I get your orders?"

They all looked at you before the butterfly girl nodded with a hum,
" Yes please, can we get two plates of mochi and a plate of rice balls,"

You nodded before the pink haired girl squealed as she stared at Asami,
" Who's this little girl? She's adorable!"

The people looked at the baby that was playing with your hair in your sling. You often got the same question from other customers, but you couldn't blame them for being curious.

You chuckled,
" She's my daughter, Asami, "

She just squealed more, ignoring the attention she was getting from other customers and needed to be calmed down by the snake boy beside her.

The flame guy asked, or more like yelled,
" May we ask why she's here?"

You raised your eyebrow at his question as the butterfly girl sent him a glare, despite her endlessly smiling. She turned to look at you,
" We're sorry if that made you uncomfortable, what we're meant to say was that why she was working with you? If you get what I mean,"

You nodded in understanding,
" It's fine, I get the question all the time, I don't have anywhere to be taken care off. So I bring her to work with me,"

The hashira exchanged sympathetic glances at the poor woman in front of them. They couldn't imagine raising a child whilst needing to do their work, especially by themselves. You hated when people felt sympathy for you.

You could take care of yourself and your daughter, but again, you couldn't blame them. You've been through hell, even before you met Takashi, and you're still standing.

The snake guy suddenly asked, his thoughts overcoming his speech,
" Where's the father?"

The butterfly girl nudged him in response, making him come to his senses. You cleared your throat at the sudden question, the pain in your heart slowly emerging at the memory of you breaking down the day of the birth.

You replied, the smile on your face fading away by the second,
" Let's just say he isn't in the family picture, now if you'll excuse me,"

You left to prepare their meals, ignoring the scolds of the people on the table. Obanai mentally cursed himself for being to nosy in your business. It was rude of him and he knew that.

The mochi took only 3 minutes to make. You came back with two plates of mochi, in which the pink haired girl practically dribbled at the sight. You finished their order before cleaning the tables of other customers, who paid and left.

You looked down at Asami behind the counter to see she was beginning to cry. You sighed before picking her up and began to feed her with her bottle. You looked at the door to see two more customers arrived, which made you panic slightly. This didn't go unnoticed by the hashira.

You felt a tap on your shoulder to see the same pink haired girl stood there with a smile,
" I can help, if you'd like?"

You looked at the customers before thanking her and passing Asami over. You didn't have a choice but to lend her over, but your gut told you that you could trust her. She seemed like a nice girl, but you learnt that you can't be deceived by appearances.

She walked back over to the table and sat down, not noticing the snake boy smiling at the sight. Asami opened her heterochromia eyes, which Mitsuri stared at in awe.

She smiled in excitement,
" Obanai, her eyes are like yours! Two different colours!"

Obanai just nodded in response, hoping that in the future the poor child won't get bullies for them. He remembered his past and remembered how his experience with having heterochromia eyes affected his life.

Mitsuri noticed Asami stopped drinking and began to burp her, watching you serve the customers whilst doing so. She admired your companion ship and bravery, it must be hard to raise a child on your own.

Since that day, the hashira would come over at least twice a week to see how you were doing. You trusted them and became great friends.

Heartbreak ( Muzan x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now