Chapter 17

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Y/n's POV

The hashira all charged towards him at once, getting severe hits from his tentacles in the process. Obanai distracted Muzan, letting Mitsuri grab you and Asami from his grasp and pull you behind her in a protective stance.

This seemed to really pissed him off before his tentacles hit all the hashira into the buildings, making a bloody mess. You watched in horror as your friends fought and got injured for humanities sake, and for your sake.

Your placed your hand were your heart is, knowing it will break once you help them achieve of killing the love of your life.

But everyone has to make a sacrifice in the end.

You watched as Tanjiro tried and failed to defeat Muzan, seeing his lifeless body on the ground made you shed a tear. You didn't want anyone else to get hurt, you just wanted peace. You looked at Muzan, knowing this wasn't the man you fell in love with.

A few hours later, you watched as the sun emerged from the skyline, causing Muzan to run away. Despite some of the Hashira being on their death bed, they pinned Muzan down with their katana's.

You sobbed as you watched him burn to death, yet another man had gone before their child was born. You wiped your tears before walking over to an injured Mitsuri and Obanai. She sobbed when she saw you before dragging her body and hugged you,
" I-I was s-so worried! You were gone for months!"

She glanced at your stomach to see the bump, her eyes widening in response before sending you a smile,
" C-Congratulations,"

You couldn't help but cry and hug her tightly, not wanting your best friend to go. You've lost to many people, your heart can't withstand another heart break. You couldn't take it.

Misaki touched her and Obanai's forehead as your eyes glowed the same colour as Misaki's. A F/C highlight appeared in your hair as you watched their wounds being healed.

The scratches on Obanai's face disappeared, leaving him with his old scar on his face. Mitsuri's arms regenerated along with her wounds being healed.

Mitsuri thanked you with a bright smile before hugging you tightly. Asami began to wake up and began to wonder were she was.

You were suddenly grabbed and protected, to see it was Tanjiro, who had been turned into a demon by Muzan. His eye was covered in weird fleshy stuff and he had the same tentacles Muzan had on his back.

Muzan's protection and care for you must have gone through to Tanjiro's instincts.

He held you close as he growled at the Hashira when they got closer. You even noticed that he was careful with your pregnancy bump. The hashira tried to talk some sense into him, but it wouldn't work.

You placed your hands on each side of his temples as your eyes glowed once again,
" Come back, Tanjiro, your friends need you,"

Your voice echoed through his mind, trying to find a light in the darkness of his mind. You forced him to think of his friends, sending flashbacks through his brain. Asami cried for you from afar, needing to be pulled back by Mitsuri.

Kanao walked over before injecting him with the cure, causing him to grow weak and fall on the floor. His demon personality and features began to fade away.

Misturi ran over with Asami and embraced you with tears in their eyes. Asami giggled,
" Mother's witch powers saved him!"

You just chuckled as Tanjiro sat up to reveal his normal features were back. Nezuko, who was now a human, hugged him tightly with tears in her eyes.

You looked around to see Gyomei's dead body and to see that Shinobu and Muichiro were no where in sight. They must be dead. You wiped the remaining tears in your eyes before pulling Asami into an embrace.

Asami giggled happily before looking at your bump,
" Little brother is still okay! "

You nodded before ruffling her hair. You stared at the necklace Muzan gave you on your first date, your heart aching at the thought of him truly being gone, along with all of your demon friends.

You looked up to see Mitsuri and Obanai kissing with a blush on their cheeks. In response, Asami gagged dramatically as she hid her eyes with her arms.

You commented,
" Finally,"

Obanai sent you a playful glare as Mitsuri squeezed the life out of him with an excited hug.

Heartbreak ( Muzan x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now