Chapter 10

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Y/n's POV

It's been a few days since you've moved into the Infinity Castle and it's been, eventful. You and Kokushibo have become friends, it took a while but he got there. Not to mention a demon tried to attack you whilst you were getting changed, only to be punished and killed by Muzan and Kokushibo.

After hours of asking, you finally managed to get him to agree. You were playing with Kokushibo's hair by braiding it into two ponytails that went over his shoulders, much to his disapproval.

Asami was in his arms, playing with his long braid with a few giggles. You laughed before ruffling his hair,
" You look like a little girl,"

He rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes and actions. You knew that he had a soft spot in there somewhere, you just had to find and dig it out.

You thought for a moment before asking,
" Please can I meet the other upper moons?"

He sighed heavily before taking his braids out, earning a pout from you,
" You can, but if you get harmed in anyway then I get the blame,"

You both stood up, sending him an excited grin,
" Then it's a good job you're here to protect me,"

Besides, you can successfully handle yourself with demons. You and Misaki have been secretly practicing, and you have learnt a spell to slow down demon regeneration and their blood demon art.

He looked down at Asami, reminding him of his two kids thousands of years ago that he lost. He's become like a big brother figure to Asami without even realizing it, but you did.

You and Kokushibo were teleported to the main room, were most of the upper moons hang out. There was a female demon that had long white hair with green tips sat on the railing of a staircase. Beside her was a skinny looking demon with dark green hair.

You looked around in awe, even after staying at the Infinity castle for a few days, the architecture was incredible.

Douma grinned once he saw Kokushibo as he ran over,
" It's nice to see you, Kokushibo, I've heard the master has taken a human hostage,"

His rainbow colored eyes met your E/C gaze, causing him to grin in excitement. The next thing you know, he was behind you in a flash. You remembered Kokushibo explaining that Douma was the one who ate only women, so you were cautious around him.

He stated, the grin still remaining on his face,
" You're beautiful, aren't you? I can't blame the master for taking a liking to you,"

Misaki glared at his every move and somehow, Douma could sense someone's glare, but he didn't know who's. Daki scoffed before jumping down,
" She's alright, but we all know who's the prettiest out of all of us,"

Douma placed his finger on his chin, signaling he was thinking deeply, he replied in a serious yet funny,
" And who might that be?"

Daki glared at him before whining to her brother,
" Brother, he said I'm not the prettiest!"

Gyutaro just sighed before disappearing out of sight. The next thing heard was a splash of blood pouring on the floor. Douma was stood there with half of his head missing. He pouted like nothing had happened and regenerated instantly.

" You're no fun, Gyutaro,"

A cute little baby laugh was heard, turning all the attention to Asami in Kokushibo's arms. Asami was laughing at the fact that Douma had his head blown off, which was quite concerning.

Douma walked over with a smirk,
" Who'd you get pregnant, Kokushibo? Surely this isn't your daughter,"

Before he could touch the baby a firm grip on his wrist stopped him from doing so. He looked to see you glaring daggers at him.

He didn't know why but deep down he felt like melting from your glare, almost like his masters does,
" She's mine, so leave her alone you sadistic bitch,"

Daki and Gyutaro couldn't help but laugh as Douma just pouted, feeling embarrassed deep down from being insulted by a human. Daki walked over to you,
" I'm kind of liking this one, usually a human would cry and run away by now,"

Misaki's eyes were practically love hearts when she looked at Daki,
" She's so pretty! I don't know who's more attractive, her or Kokushibo!"

Gyutaro stood beside his sister, noticing that you never once sent him a disgusted look from his ugliness. He was surprised since all humans did that, this made his take a very slow liking to you.

Daki wrapped an arm over your shoulder, pulling you into her side,
" I think she would look even more beautiful as demon, those E/C colored eyes are to die for,"

You nervously chuckled, not liking the thought of you becoming immortal,
" I'm good, I do have a daughter to raise and watch grow up,"

Daki pouted in response as she whined,
" To bad, we could have been great friends,"

You sweat dropped as Misaki sat on Daki's head, earning a hidden glare from you. There was a possibility that Daki could feel her and you didn't want her to get hurt. Misaki stuck her tongue out at you.

You just sighed before walking up to Asami and taking her from Kokushibo's grasp. She leant into your grasp as Daki complimented her heterochromia eyes.

" What's going on here?"

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